


原文書 (46)

可訂購商品 (35)
無法訂購商品 (11)

有庫存 (6)
無庫存 (40)

$200~$399 (21)
$400~$599 (5)
$600~$799 (18)
$800以上 (2)

2025年 (1)
2023~2024 (2)
2021~2022 (1)
2019~2020 (9)
2017~2018 (5)
2017年以前 (28)

平裝 (25)
精裝 (19)
硬頁書 (2)

學齡前 (24)
小學低年級 (1)
小學 (2)

Tor Freeman (19)
Gavin Puckett; Tor Freeman (5)
Colette Hiller; Tor Freeman (2)
Michelle Robinson; Tor Freeman (2)
David Bedford/ Tor Freeman (ILT) (1)
Katie Cotton, Tor Freeman (1)
Katie Cotton/ Tor Freeman (ILT) (1)
Katie Cotton; Tor Freeman (1)
Kenneth Grahame;Tor Freeman (1)
Mara Bergman; Tor Freeman (1)
Michael Morpurgo; Tor Freeman (1)
Michelle Robinson/ Tor Freeman (ILT) (1)
Peter Bently; Tor Freeman (1)
Richard Ayoade; Tor Freeman (1)
Robie H Harris Author; Tor Il Freeman (1)
Robie H. Harris Author; Tor Freeman (1)
Tor Freeman BA Degree in Illustration (1)
Tor Freeman BA Degree in Illustration Author; Illustrator; Judith Freeman (1)
Tor Freeman, Martin Jenkins (1)
Tor Freeman/ Martin Jenkins (1)

Templar Publishing (6)
Faber and Faber (5)
Andersen Press UK (4)
Macmillan Children's Books UK (4)
Walker Books (4)
Campbell Books UK (2)
Candlewick Pr (2)
Frances Lincoln Childrens Book (2)
Frances Lincoln Childrens Books (2)
Macmillan UK (2)
Studio Press UK (2)
Alma Classics UK (1)
Amer Chemical Society (1)
Andersen Pr USA (1)
Andersen Press Ltd (1)
Bog Eyed Books (1)
Campbell Books Ltd (1)
Hachette Children's Group (1)
Hodder & Stoughton UK (1)
Pan Macmillan (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Olive and the Big Secret
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2012/08/14 裝訂:精裝
Olive learns the hard way that keeping secrets is tough, and telling them can make for a whole lot of trouble!When Molly shares a secret with Olive, the urge to tell is just too great! Olive tells Joe
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
Boss of the Underworld: Shirley vs the Green Menace:Book 1 (graphic novel)
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2025/03/06 裝訂:平裝
**《Boss of the Underworld 冥界老大》——爆笑漫畫冒險正式開啟!** 🌟 **得獎漫畫家 Tor Freeman 全彩圖像小說系列首部曲!** 🌟 當 Shirley 掉進深不可測的冥界,意外展開瘋狂旅程——與大蟑螂 George 結伴同行,對抗可怕敵人、穿越情緒沼澤、闖入黑暗下水道對決「綠色威脅」!但…冥界有千萬條路進來,卻只有一條能出去?! 💥 **節奏明快 × 超爆笑 × 超獨特**!適合喜愛 **《Bunny vs Monkey》** 的讀者! 🔥 **「這可能是我這輩子讀過最爆笑的書!」—— Jamie Smart,《Bunny vs Monkey》作者**First in a hilarious full-colour graphic novel series by the award-winning Tor Freeman, perfect for fans of Jamie Smart's Bunny vs Monkey. Come with Shirley as she falls down a hole into the Underworld ...'Boss of the Underworld is one of the funniest books I've read this year, maybe this lifetime, and I'm not even exaggerating. It's INCREDIBLE.' Jamie Smart, creator of Bunny vs MonkeyJoin Shirley and her giant cockroach friend, George, on a strange adventure through the Underworld. Will they triumph over scary foes, resist eating delicious things in the forest, navigate the Bog of Intense Emotions, and find their way into the dark sewers to confront the Green
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 346
The B on Your Thumb: 60 Poems to Boost Reading and Spelling
作者:Colette Hiller; Tor Freeman  出版社:Frances Lincoln Childrens Book  出版日:2020/09/01 裝訂:平裝
"The B on your Thumb is clever, engaging, educational and fun. I wish I had thought of it."—Craig Smith, author / songwriter of The Wonky DonkeyThe B on Your Thumb is a book of 60 hilariously illustra
定價:659 元, 優惠價:79 521
作者:Peter Bently; Tor Freeman  出版社:Andersen Press Ltd  出版日:2024/06/06 裝訂:精裝
A cat-and-dog whodunnit reminiscent of the great detective Sherlock Holmes!Crimes are sweeping the neighbourhood: sofas torn to shreds, muddy pawprints on the beds, poo left on the kitchen floor . . . all the evidence points towards the culprits being DOGS, and Inspector Keyhole is quick to arrest every last one. But the great cat detective Purrlock Jones thinks she knows who the real villain is. It must be the feline mastermind and her arch enemy Moggiarty . . .
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
The B on Your Thumb: 60 Poems to Boost Reading and Spelling
作者:Colette Hiller; Tor Freeman  出版社:Frances Lincoln Childrens Books  出版日:2020/09/01 裝訂:精裝
The B on Your Thumb is a book of rhymes and delightful ditties to boost early reading. Each rhyme teaches a particular sound, spelling, or rule, and will delight young children with the silliness of t
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Bricks : The House a Greedy Pig Built (平裝本)(英國版)
作者:Katie Cotton; Tor Freeman  出版社:Andersen Press UK  出版日:2021/06/03 裝訂:平裝
Pig wants the biggest and finest new house for the lowest price, even if that involves telling a little porky... He's about to find out exactly what happens to greedy pigs who fleece their workers! When the bricks fall, who will save this greedy pig's bacon? A hilarious cautionary tale that teaches kindness and integrity from dream team Katie Cotton and Tor Freeman.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Bricks: The House a Greedy Pig Built (美國版)(精裝本)
作者:Katie Cotton; Tor Freeman (ILT)  出版社:Andersen Pr USA  出版日:2020/10/06 裝訂:精裝
When the bricks fall, who will save this pig's bacon? A hilarious cautionary tale that teaches kindness and integrityPig wants the biggest, finest new house for the cheapest price, even if that involves telling a little lie . . .He's about to find out what happens to greedy pigs who fleece their workers! When the bricks fall, who will save this pig's bacon? This hilarious cautionary tale teaches kindness and integrity from dream team Katie Cotton and Tor Freeman.
定價:810 元, 優惠價:1 810
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Studio Press UK  出版日:2014/08/01 裝訂:精裝
Olive's best friend Joe has bought her a special hat - the only problem is Olive doesn't like it and her gang of friends find it very amusing. Olive tries all kinds of excuses to avoid wearing the hat
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Studio Press UK  出版日:2014/08/01 裝訂:平裝
Olive's best friend Joe has bought her a special hat - the only problem is Olive doesn't like it and her gang of friends find it very amusing. Olive tries all kinds of excuses to avoid wearing the hat
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Templar Publishing  出版日:2013/03/01 裝訂:平裝
Shortlisted for the 2013 Junior Design AwardsWhen Molly shares a secret with Olive, the urge to tell is just too great for Olive. She tells Joe who tells Matt who tells Lola. But Lola is best friends
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Templar Publishing  出版日:2013/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Olive's bad mood is so bad… it's catching! Today is not a good day for Olive. She's lost a button from her dungarees, fallen flat on her nose and somebody has kicked a ball at her head! Olive is in a
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Campbell Books Ltd  出版日:2013/05/09 裝訂:硬頁書
前往新版 Benji Bear's Busy Day: A Telling-the-Time Book (lift the flap) (2015年6月到貨), ISBN 9781509801114 A brilliantly interactive board book that acts as the perfect introduction for toddlers who want to
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2012/06/07 裝訂:平裝
Three cheers for Ambrose!It's the day of the Great Insect Games and Ambrose is desperate to win a gold medal - he's been practising very hard! But when the grasshopper jumps further and the pond skate
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2015/07/02 裝訂:硬頁書
Follow Benji Bear on his very busy day! There is so much to spot in this delightful telling-the-time book. With sturdy clock hands, flaps to lift on every page and questions to prompt discussion
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Macmillan UK  出版日:2015/06/04 裝訂:精裝
Jolly Postman meets Where’s Wally for a new generation!• Everyone's favourite postal dog is busier than ever • A story and activity rolled into one, this unique search-and-find book is packed with bri
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Macmillan UK  出版日:2015/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Jolly Postman meets Where’s Wally for a new generation!• Everyone's favourite postal dog is busier than ever • A story and activity rolled into one, this unique search-and-find book is packed with bri
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2014/07/31 裝訂:平裝
Digby Dog is the best delivery dog in town. From a missing T.Rex bone for the Dinosaur Museum to a replacement bow for the violinist in the orchestra, Digby's parcels always reach the right place at t
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Templar Publishing  出版日:2012/03/01 裝訂:精裝
A story of a little girl, Olive who struggles to keep secrets.
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Templar Publishing  出版日:2013/06/01 裝訂:精裝
Olive's bad mood is so's catching!
作者:Tor Freeman  出版社:Bog Eyed Books  出版日:2018/09/06 裝訂:平裝
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