◎情感豐富的主題:故事講述了告別與重逢的承諾,帶來面對未來挑戰的祝福與能量。◎純真清新的畫風:作者以清新細膩的畫風,讓讀者感受到故事中的情感與美好。◎深刻的生命反思:作者對遺忘與離別有深刻的體悟,分享了生命價值與意義的思考。This is a story about longing and learning to say goodbye. Goodbye, is not a farewell to memories, but a promise of reunions yet to unfold. The wind, though invisible, is everywhere. Through seasons' turn, from spring's gentle bloom to winter's solemn grace, they bestow upon us full blessings and energy to face all the challenges of the future.◎代理經銷:白象文化更多精彩內容請見http://www.pressstore.com.tw/freereading/9786269860814.pdf
英文讓人頭痛的不是文法,而是用法!本書從最生活化的例句著手,透過90個重要原則,300則最易搞混的句型,大量練習題,即與國中課程完全銜接的「雙向檢索」系統,讓你讀文法有如吃蛋糕(A PIECE OF CAKE)!五天學會一輩子必會的英文文法!英文文法無痛學習三步驟:1.以生活化的例句,搞定易混淆的句型2.透過文法總整理,輕鬆與課程完全銜接3.大量練習與閱讀,讓枯燥的文法轉成實際的用法
An examination of the Counter-Enlightenment movement in China. In Modern Chinese Counter-Enlightenment, Peng Hsiao-yen argues that a trend of Counter-Enlightenment had grown from the late Qing to the May Fourth era in the 1910s to the 1920s and continued to the 1940s. She demonstrates how Counter-Enlightenment was manifested with case studies such as Lu Xun's writings in the late 1900s, the Aesthetic Education movement from the 1910s to 1920s, and the Science and Lifeview debate in the 1920s. During the period, the life philosophy movement, highlighting the epistemic debate on affect and reason, is connected with its counterparts in Germany, France, and Japan. The movement had a widespread and long-term impact on Chinese philosophy and literature. Using the transcultural lexicon as methodology, this book traces how the German term Lebensanschauung (life view), a key concept in Rudolf Eucken's life philosophy, constituted a global tide of Counter-Enlightenment that influenced the
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