One father-son duo make a pizza so delicious, and so over-the-top with toppings, that it destroys the universe―and will surely melt readers' minds and hearts, like warm mozzarella.It's a tale as old as time: a kid wants to make a pizza with his dad, but not just any pizza . . . he wants a pizza with everything on it. That's right, everything. But as the toppings pile on, this father-son duo accidentally create a pizza so delicious, so extravagant, so over-the-top, that it destroys the universe―and the cosmos go as dark as burnt crust. Will anyone enjoy pizza ever again? At turns heartwarming, hilarious, and completely out of this world, Kyle Scheele and Andy J. Pizza deliver a riotous adventure that will melt readers minds and hearts and leave them calling for a second helping.• FATHER'S DAY GIFTING: This heartwarming and hilarious portrait of a memorable father-son bonding experience is the perfect way to show appreciation to the tough-to-buy-for dad all year round, and especially on
專屬於「顏控」的史記漫畫書!國文&歷史知識 X 爆笑人物故事輕鬆讀懂中國第一部紀傳體通史《史記》!美貌與才氣兼備的謀臣賢相究竟誰才是群雄爭霸戰的全能ACE?現在馬上給你心目中的天菜美男投票吧:★相知相惜CP――管仲、鮑叔牙:除了帶領齊國走向強盛,管鮑之交的兄弟情也非常難能可貴,「這個亂世,只有我懂你,也只有你懂我……」★敗部復活戰?逆天改命的伍子胥:逃離悲慘命運、戰勝劣勢的腦性男擔當,成功為家族復仇的不死之鳥!★天生sense!合縱連橫的外交家:蘇秦的合縱 v.s. 張儀的連橫,結盟有風險,答應之前請詳閱公開說明書!★人氣王選拔賽――戰國四公子的暗潮洶湧:「世界最初」權臣美男正式成團!誰才是門客認證的人氣TOP?★賭對了就能躺贏的呂不韋:就算只是投機商人又怎樣?我可是丞相!就喜歡你看不慣我又幹不掉我的樣子。★最適合躺平的文藝青年莊子:追求無為最好的方式就是作夢啦,卡早睏卡有眠,夢裡什麼都有,還有蝴蝶喔!今天也是相愛相殺的美男們!誰才是春秋戰國時代成就最高的C位?