小讀者們大家好!您知道我們的城市國家新加坡到處都是農場嗎?當我們探索各種類型的農場時,請睜大眼睛,讓我們驚嘆於永續生活和農業的奇蹟!在這本全彩書中,科學家 Amalina Binte Ebrahim Attia 博士和新加坡農民 Kenny Eng 將透過攝影和插圖的令人興奮的結合,與您分享可持續發展的重要性以及如何支持我們當地的農場。那麼,你準備好開始了嗎?讓我們來探索我們的新加坡農場吧!裡面是什麼?• 科學家和農民的見解• 讓孩子高興的詩歌• 透過影片學習Hello, little readers! Did you know that our city state of Singapore is full of farms? As we explore various types of farms, open your eyes, and let's marvel at the wonders of sustainable living and agriculture!In this full-colour book, through an exciting combination of photography and illustration, scientist Dr Amalina Binte Ebrahim Attia and Singapore farmer Kenny Eng will share with you the importance of sustainability and how you can support our local farms. So, are you ready to start?Let's Discover Our Farms, Singapore!What's inside?• Insights from a scientist and farmer• Poems to delight children• Learn through videos