With an Introduction and Notes by Doreen Roberts, Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury. Jonathan Swift's classic satirical narrative was first published in 1726, seven years after Defo
'I cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives to be the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth.'Shipwrecked on the high seas, L
"It is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery," remarked Alexander Pope when Gulliver's Travels was published in 1726. One of the unique books of world literature,
From the classic story by Jonathan Swift. After a shipwreck, Gulliver wakes on an island to find that he is a prisoner of the tiny people of Lilliput. Gradually he adapts to his new home. He even stop
西班牙導演阿莫多瓦、義大利導演費里尼最愛的漫畫作者馬那哈帶給你最甜美、性感的奇幻漂流歐洲情色漫畫大師馬那哈重譯童話經典《格列佛遊記》這是一本給大人看性感女神冒險記馬那哈(Manara),義大利漫畫作者,全世界最知名的情色漫畫家,他的女體描繪與故事,數十年來,讓其圖像如風景照片般,在書店、圖書館及家中得以公然陳列。米羅馬那哈Milo Manara這位義大利漫畫作者,以其對女性線條之沉迷精準,及與眾家電影大師的合作享譽世界。其情色漫畫系列如《解扣》(Le declic)、《激情香水》(Le parfum de l’invisible)均已是成人漫畫中的精典之作。而與費里尼合作之兩部漫畫作品《土倫之旅》、《馬斯托納先生之旅》,與西班牙導演阿莫多瓦合作的作品《腹中之火》(Le feu aux entrailles),及為坎城影展所繪製之海報均成電影迷及漫畫迷的必備收藏。這次的美女版的《格列芙遊記》,更大大的顛覆了童話故事的原本想像,男主角格列佛,在馬那哈筆下變成微噘櫻唇、可愛挺俏的性感魅力女神「格列芙」……漫畫改編自《格列佛遊記》,故事依樣進行,格列芙遇難漂流在海上,然後歷險到小人國、大人國……想像一下,誤闖小人國的格列芙,全身上下只綁了一塊英國國旗,站在城門邊,數千迷你小兵雄赳赳氣昂昂的從她跨下行軍閱兵,並輕鬆的為小人國立下汗馬功勞……而到了巨人國後,她與巨人手指間的纏綿更是一絕!