彼得潘的生活一點也不無聊!永遠長不大的男孩-彼得潘,帶著溫蒂和她的兄弟們進行了一次狂野的冒險。他們帶著仙女小叮噹,飛到遙遠的夢幻島。在那裡,他們和迷失男孩們一起住在一棵樹下,躲避海盜。跟著彼得和朋友們的幻想,直到嗜血的虎克船長出現......他們能逃脫嗎?滴答滴答滴答...*本書互動功能需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Life with Peter Pan is hardly dull! The boy who never grows up takes Wendy and her brothers on a wild adventure. With fairy Tinker Bell, they fly far, far away to Neverland. There, they live under a tree with the Lost Boys and hide from the pirates. Follow Peter and friends in their fantasies until bloodthirsty Hook creeps up. Can they escape? Tick tick tick ...
彼得潘的生活一點也不無聊!永遠長不大的男孩-彼得潘,帶著溫蒂和她的兄弟們進行了一次狂野的冒險。他們帶著仙女小叮噹,飛到遙遠的夢幻島。在那裡,他們和迷失男孩們一起住在一棵樹下,躲避海盜。跟著彼得和朋友們的幻想,直到嗜血的虎克船長出現......他們能逃脫嗎?滴答滴答滴答...*本書互動功能需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Life with Peter Pan is hardly dull! The boy who never grows up takes Wendy and her brothers on a wild adventure. With fairy Tinker Bell, they fly far, far away to Neverland. There, they live under a tree with the Lost Boys and hide from the pirates. Follow Peter and friends in their fantasies until bloodthirsty Hook creeps up. Can they escape? Tick tick tick ...