這本書主要是想分享給兩種讀者,一種是在做遷移研究的人,另一種是本身即為遷移者,也許您可以參考與閱讀本書。作者稱,本書不是完整的回憶錄,而是把在臺灣居住五十年中,聚焦於描繪出在臺灣大學的學術角色,也是把自己人生最寶貴的歲月做個記錄。本書所要呈現的,不是只有關於移民生活成功的一面,其實在此過程也夾雜了挫折與失意,以及適應上的躑躅與徬徨。 【各界推薦】Lee Chack Fan/ 李焯芬President, Chu Hai College of Higher EducationEmeritus Professor and Former Vice-President, HKUNora is well respected as a diligent and highly productive scholar, and a very able organizer of academic conferences and international scientific exchange programs. Nora reminds me of my late teacher, Professor Jao Tsung-I, who officially retired at the age of 70 but continued his scholarly research studies until he was close to a hundred years old. John LidstoneProfessor of Geography, Queensland University of TechnologyAs my own life continues, my reading of Nora’s “Memoir” both educates me on the unfolding of an academic career across the US and Asia vastly different from my own in England and Australia. We started in very different places and although we lived through the same historical period, we o
本書繼續了我所喜歡的以圖表幫助讀者思考風格,刪除不合時宜的內容,保留原來關於「馬克思學」中重要的經濟理論與其社會制度分析,其中原創的以經濟發展或危機的理論高度去比較、對話乃至融合馬克思「再生產理論」與凱因斯(J. M. Keynes)的「有效需求不足」理論,對於目前全球面臨的經濟衰退危機,有著歷久彌新的啟示:如在21世紀的今日,有效需求不足的蕭條前兆,政治領導者究竟是以精神潔癖式的節能減碳,還是避