本書特色: 華語文能力測驗中高級讀本 TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) advanced-level textbook ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) advanced mid-level textbook 成語是各語言中的精髓,中文的成語更是蘊含著豐富的中華文化與人文精神。然而,目前成語教學課程大多採取教師介紹成語典故的方式,因為這種方式仍停留在生詞講解,以及文意理解的狀態,對於學生學習及運用成語的幫助非常有限。 因此,具有多年教授外籍學生出手成章成功經驗的作者,透過科學化的手段篩選出高使用頻率的成語,有系統地設計本書內容,並且將「運用成語」作為本書設計的重點,以助有心出口成章與出手成章的讀者都能心想事成。 This book was carefully designed and arranged. It contains adapted versions of everybody's favorite jokes, lighthearted tales, and well-known historical stories. Many diverse questions and sentence patterns are discussed, and the used idioms recur frequently to aid in memorizing them. The users of this book (teachers and students alike) will enjoy it.