Since the 21st century, China's rise has become a fact, and People's Liberation Army has developed rather quickly. Thusso-called China's military rise has become the most challenging phenomenon in wor
U.S.-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia collects 9 papers which were presented at the annual conference of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic St
西語人士要學中文很難嗎? 本書以中國文字起源出發,利用象形文字來說明文字的演變、辭彙的形成與分析,非常適合西語人士做為學習中文的華語教材。 這是一本很有趣的學習語言書,邀您一起來學中文!! Es evidente que la "materia prima" de una lengua es el vocabulario con el cual se manejan sus usuarios. L