世界是個大教室,你上了多少堂課? 「Life is not a race, it is a journey.」生命不是一場競賽,是一趟旅程。 從小我一直認為自己不是一個運動型的人,膽子也很小。我不會開車,不會游泳,不敢爬山,不敢滑雪,總之任何關於戶外運動的事情一概不通。直到成年之後,大著膽子學游泳,花了好大的精力,終於可以在一小時內遊1000米;雖然烏龍百出,還算是學會了開車。新冠肺炎疫情期間,我還爬了很多平時不敢攀的山,樂顛顛地踩著雪鞋在雪山漫步。 在人生經過多次考驗之後,我才發現自己窮一生精力維護的那個「我」並非牢不可破,人的塑造性原來難以想像的高,這也是教育培訓吸引我的地方——每當我看見學生突破自我,活出不一樣的精彩,心中就有無限喜悅;我也喜歡帶著學生走南闖北,把世界變成一個教室。 人生就是一趟旅行。有的人喜歡參加旅行團,穩穩健健準不會錯到哪裡去,按部就班地走完該走的每一站,雖然是走馬觀花,不過人有我有,總算交差。有的人喜歡自由行,千里走單騎,過五關斬六將,成也好,敗也好,總算瀟灑走一回。問誰領風騷?笑談風月中。
This is a novel, not a text book, although the reader may like to use some of the content of this book for German language teaching or learning. This is a novel that is intended to serve a dual purpose: For reading pleasure and for picking up and/or boosting one’s existing knowledge of German. The book should be read chapter by chapter, starting from Part I all the way to the end of Part II, as the story and the progression of the language instruction and discussion follow a linear thread. As far as the story goes, the reader will find the two main characters, William and Becky from Hong Kong, both college students who have just completed their first year of a degree programme and are now on exchange to University of Freiburg in Germany for a semester – August to December, which eventually turns out to be a bit longer, extending to end of February. This is part of an internationalization programme that they are going through and capitalizing on. On arrival in Germany their first stop