Geotechnical Hazard Mitigations with Experiment, Theory and Practice presents the keynote lectures and general papers presented at the Fifth International ISSMGE Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation (5th GEDMAR, Taipei, Taiwan, September 13-14, 2017). The contributions discuss rainstorm and storm surge induced riverine and coastal flooding event, liquefaction, and landslide. The book is divided into the following sections: -Keynote lecture -Combined hazard in river basin -Liquefaction -Landslide -Other natural geo-hazards Geotechnical Hazard Mitigations with Experiment, Theory and Practice will be of interest to researchers, academics, industry practitioners and other professionals involved in earthquake geotechnical engineering and landslide hazards.
Li shang wanglai is a phrase that combines practice and principle. It is what others have discussed as Confucianism. But it is the summation of what is practised in daily life and without the leadership of an elite intelligentsia. With this phrase the author has brought together what had been separately discussed: the social philosophy of bao (asymmetrical reciprocity), the central importance of mianzi and lian (face), the moral economy of renqing (human relationships of fellow-feeling), the art of making guanxiwang (social networks), and much else. She shows how they work together in what might be called a discursive constellation. Using sociological and anthropological theorisations of reciprocal relations in China and Japan, she creates a framework of four dimensions, namely, principled rational calculation, human-feeling, moral, and religious, and four kinds of relationships, namely, instrumental, expressive, negative and generous.
This study attempts to analyze systematically the rationale, evolution, and consequences of Chiang Kai-shek's "unity before resistance" doctrine, which was the basis of Nanking's appeasement policy. The author argues that there were a number of independent variables that influenced Nanking's attitude toward Japan: 1) the internal disintegration of China; 2) factional conflicts within the Kuomintang; 3) ineffective administration; 4) the vicissitudes of nationalism; 5) the material backwardness of China; and 6) international mediation. All of these factors were interrelated. The intervening variables were Chiang Kai-shek's personality, his patterns of political behavior, his way of ruling, and his perception of internal and external crises. By adopting the temporary appeasement policy toward Japan, Chiang hoped to gain enough time to consolidate China and his supreme leadership. But Chiang’s appeasement policy in fact engaged his government in two races - one with Japanese aggression an
This practical based research explores space, sites and interventions; in particular, site-specific installation of art works, involving the physical, virtual space and interactive theatre space within new media art.
Agriculture builds upon the integration of crops and the environment, with which its yield depends strongly on a healthy soil foundation. With that in mind, the knowledge of the soil and fertilizer is crucial to maintaining an environment with optimal nutrients, water and oxygen for crop production. Soil is one of human's precious resources, the protection and nurturing of our soil is thus an integral part of sustainable development. Effective soil management is considered not only a technology, but also an art. In practice, to make use the full potential of the land, the management strategies need to take account of the differences and characteristics of the soil, plant and climate that are unique to each geographical location. Such an approach is increasingly more important nowadays because of the increasing loss of cultivable land and need of high quality agricultural products.
Even though molecular biology has long been a basic tool in biomedical research, scientists still face the question of why certain molecular biology methods are used for certain experiments. To unlock the mystery, one must first understand the principles behind the methods. Unfortunately, very few molecular biology books have successfully provided satisfactory explanations. This book intends to fill this void by offering topics ranging from basic knowledge to the current state of the art in applied molecular biology. The principles and applications related to each technique included in the text are all described in full detail.
This historical fiction is based on the true story of Li Shimin (also known as Tang Taizong), the greatest sovereign in Chinese history. About 30 years younger than Muhammad, he grew up in a world of devastating upheaval that tore China asunder and was thrust into the role of a military commander in his father’s rebel army while still a teenager. In the process of vanquishing his enemies on the battlefield, he proved himself to be a great military genius. As emperor he encouraged critical suggestions by his court officials, which he often adopted, and lent support to the religions of his day, notably, Buddhism, Daoism, and Christianity. The international prestige he had won for Tang China was so high that the states of Central and North Asia honored him with the title of “Heavenly Khan.” Although his father founded the dynasty, it was his reign that laid the groundwork for a brilliant empire that was to endure for centuries. 本書根據史實,描述唐太宗李世民透過一場場的征戰,消滅敵軍,開疆闢土;同時鼓勵諫言,包容不同宗教,進而成就唐代偉大盛世
This book is the result of discoveries made by Nivison beginning in 1979, It uses critically (without superseding) his monographs from 1983 through 2002, combined with his discoveries through 2008. Its main thrust is to show that the methods and results of the PRC “Three Dynasties Project” are invalid, and that recovering chronology before 841 BCE can be solved only by using the supposedly spurious Jinben Zhushu Jinian (“Modern Text” Bamboo Annals), combined with hypothesis that reign lengths of record were normally the years after completion of mourning for the preceding king. Part One presents resulting exact dates form the beginning of Xia, confirmed by discoveries in astronomy by D. W. Pankenier and Kevin Pang. Part Two criticizes the Three-years Dynasties Project and argues for the post-mourning hypothesis and the high antiquity of the three-years mourning institution. In Part Three, applying a discovery by E. L. Shaughnessy, the author reconstructs the first 303 bamboo strips of