Waiting on God is not waiting for God to come. God lives within us. Waiting on God is looking up to God and drawing close to Him. Waiting on God is not just a temporary emotion, and just spending a short period of time quietly before God. Waiting on God is a lifelong practice. Are you seeking spiritual renewal? Do you long for heavenly fulfillment that is far beyond your wildest imagination? Spend time waiting on God, forget about everything else, sink deeply into the ocean of the Lord’s love, and allow yourself to disappear into the glorious presence of God. 等候神不是等神來,神就住在我們裡面,等候神就是仰望神、親近神。 等候神不是一時興起的情緒,花一小段時間安靜在神面前而已;等候神是一生的操練。 您在尋求屬靈的更新嗎?您是否渴望獲得遠超過您最大想像的屬天滿足?本書將教導讀者如何花時間等候神,深深地沉入主愛的海洋,讓自己消失在神榮耀的同在中。
Proverbs 4:22 from Scripture says, “For they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.” God's way of life is the best medicine. Pastor Daniel Tsao has compiled “42 Doses” based on Bible verses, supplemented by vivid testimonies and teachings of miraculous healing. Readers can take it three times a day, just like taking medicine. Read a scripture, chew it, meditate on it, pray, and then eat it! This is the prescription for divine healing and divine health. We pray and hope readers will be brought before God through this book, enter into His flow of life and healing waters, and get better or even be healed of their illnesses. 聖經箴言4:22提到神的話,說:「因為得著祂的,就得了生命,又得了醫全體的良藥。」 神生命之道是最好的藥方,曹力中牧師以聖經經文編寫出〈42帖藥〉,輔以生動的神醫見證與教導。讀者可以每天按三餐服用,像吃藥一樣,讀一處經文,咀嚼、默想、禱告、吃下去!這是屬天醫治與神聖健康之藥方。 期待讀者藉這本書被帶到神的面前,進入祂生命與醫治的水流中,病情好轉甚至得醫痊。
著名的新約學者布魯斯(F. F. Bruce)寫過一本關於保羅的書,書名為Paul, Apostle of the Heart Set Free,是他最傑出的作品之一。曹力中牧師借用他的書名,在本書中闡釋使徒保羅的神學觀,從「神樂意將祂兒子啟示在我心裡」、「與基督一同」、「與眾聖徒一同」、「自由與甘心」、「金錢觀」、「倫理觀」、「末世觀」等等主題,領讀者來認識這位被基督釋放而得自由的保羅,也讓我們來認識這位釋放了保羅,也會使我們得自由的耶穌基督!