This book is the result of discoveries made by Nivison beginning in 1979, It uses critically (without superseding) his monographs from 1983 through 2002, combined with his discoveries through 2008. It
This practical based research explores space, sites and interventions; in particular, site-specific installation of art works, involving the physical, virtual space and interactive theatre space withi
When in the East, Work with What the East Has!Regarding teeth and the periodontium, the anatomical disadvantages of eastern populations from westernpopulations often leads to greater tooth mobility fo
智慧財產係源於人類精神活動而創造出具財產價值之無形財產,從十八世紀世界首部著作權法「安妮法案」(Statute of Anne of 1709)問世,至二十世紀許多國際公約之簽訂,迄今對智慧財產權之保護規範儼然已是立足世界文明國家之象徵。然隨著時代科技不斷進步,智慧財產權法之發展重心已由原先加強對智慧財產權人不足之保護,轉為需同時考量到公共利益之衡平。蓋智慧財產權法之目的在於鼓勵有能力創作發明之人