This book is a simple message about prayer, which Doug says is, \"Perplexing-you will never understand prayer. It is not something you master. You don't get 'better at it.' Talking to God should be as
Transforming Your Personal Prayer Life is designed to help a serious Christian develop a broader and deeper prayer life.The principles here will seem simple, indeed, as they are. But their application
Apostolic epochs involve a breaking away, a new definition and a reorientation. They refocus kingdom purposes. The apostolic epoch that we are now entering is the fulfillment of the desire of Jesus, t
This book is a roadmap toward making your church 'a house of prayer for the nations.' It is a call for a pastor to be first, a man of prayer, a holy man of God, and only then a preacher. It is a call
Jesus taught on Prayer. When He did, three times in three verses we find the phrase When you pray (Matthew 6: 5, 6, 7, emphasis added). After all He would do for them, it was inconceivable that they w
Adam was created for the middle, a representative of God in the earth, His regent. All creation saw in him as the image of God. From that place, he fell. And only the last Adam, coming to resecure th
This manuscript was previously published in 1990 by Alive Ministries as a Bible conference guide. This version includes significant revisions. You will find the principles here dynamic. This is not yo
Discusses prayer fundamentals; the four critical elements: at-home daily prayer, the church at prayer, intercessory prayer and prayer evangelism; and how to apply each of these to create a great awake