Islamist revolutionary terrorists have taken over the United States of America. Millions of citizens have been killed, imprisoned, and tortured. The President is missing, his most trusted advisor, El
A fable about the nature of success and how it affects lives relates the story of a successful banker who loses his high-ranking position in his firm and discovers how much he must work to regain ever
A famous ad for Levy's Jewish Rye Bread showed an African-American kid, smiling after biting a deli sandwich obviously made with their product. The headline read: You don't have to be Jewish to love L
Do you want to turn your passion for food into a career? Take a bite out of the food world with help from the experts in this first-of-its-kind What Color Is Your Parachute? for food related careers.M
A compilation of The American Spectator's hilarious monthly column, The Continuing Crisis, as chronicled for four decades by founder and editor-in-chief, R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.
Steven Faulkner and his 16-year-old son Justin are paddling and portaging their way along the 1000-mile, 1673, Mississippi discovery route of French explorers Marquette and Joliet. Tired, hungry, los
Join Sammy and Sue as they embark on an adventure to help the earth. Along the way they learn all about organic farming, hybrid cars, green cleaning products and even all natural ice cream! Come along
From the day it opened, on October 1, 1907, the lavish 19-story French Renaissance building on the southeast corner of Fifth Avenue and Central Park South was simply the grandest hotel in the world. I
Koi are unusually beautiful creatures. Perhaps because of their unusual beauty, koi have inspired a variety of legends. The recurrent theme in these legends is that koi, because of their endurance and
Following her success with Playboy Swings, Patty Farmer looks at Playboy’s relationship with comedians and cartoonists in her new book Playboy Laughs. Playboy Laughs invites readers onto the sets of t
All is not well north of the tension line. A series of unsettling nighttime incidents have left the islanders uncertain whether to be nervous or annoyed. Are they victims of an elaborate teenage prank
Have we lost the American dream? Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association, looks at the examples of America's great innovators of the past and shows how to return innovation
Not just another rendering of the tragic Holocaust survivor account, Orenstein's story focuses on the wit, will and courage of his family and himself as they traverse ghettos and five concentration ca
In the age of radical change, the usual fads, fix-its, and magic bullets no longer guarantee the success of any business regardless of size or industry. Entire industries, not just companies, are fail