A boy dreams of a whale's call as she returns to a bay recently restored by conservation efforts to introduce her new calf to the world.Winner of the Wilderness Society Environmental Award for Childre
2020 Jane Addams Children's Book Award FinalistTwo girls forge a forever-friendship by learning each other’s language. The Day Saida Arrived demonstrates the power of language to build bonds beyond bo
"This is a beautiful and important book—a reminder that humans are deeply connected with every other animal on this glorious planet." —Sy Montgomery, Naturalist and New York Times best selling authorI
★ "High-flying humor and heart." — Kirkus Reviews, starred reviewJacob has a special gift—he can fly!When his parents plan a trip to the sea, Jacob says he will fly there himself. Along the way, he me
"An enchanting portrayal of one girl’s delight in a creature and the many ways they can engage and inspire." — ALA BooklistIvy spends her day with the birds—sipping nectar and splashing in the pond in