Data Science and Analytics with Python is designed for practitioners in data science and data analytics in both academic and business environments. The aim is to present the reader with the main conce
Programming knowledge is often necessary for finding a solution to a biological problem. Based on the author’s extensive experience, Python for Bioinformatics helps scientists solve their biological p
Combinatory logic is one of the most versatile areas within logic that is tied to parts of philosophical, mathematical, and computational logic. Functioning as a comprehensive source for current devel
This is the second edition of a practical book on exploratory multivariate analysis. It takes an example-driven approach, with lots of detailed examples using real data, all coded in R, with implement
Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) and Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) are very popular statistical tools, but, they have been shown to break down for large complex datasets, which are increasingly p
This book joins the multitude of Control Systems books now available, but is neither a textbook nor a monograph. Rather it may be described as a resource book or survey of the elements/essentials of f
Not how people can steer migrating birds toward or away from certain areas or routes, but how the birds themselves, or at least endogenous and biological factors, control their migration. Summarizing
This book differs from most parasitology texts in concentrating in detail on one group- the symbiotic platyhelminths. As the majority of these symbiotes are parasitic, the author presents a detaile
Combinatorial theory is one of the fastest growing areas of modern mathematics. Focusing on a major part of this subject, Introduction to Combinatorial Designs, Second Edition provides a solid foundat
Evidence from randomized controlled clinical trials is widely accepted as the only sound basis for assessing the efficacy of new medical treatments. Statistical methods play a key role in all stages o
This book is aimed at addressing the needs of individuals interested in a comprehensive understanding of TOGAF. Those who are keen in getting themselves certified in ‘The TOGAF Foundation Certificatio
There are many methods for multiple testing adjustment and questions arise concerning when they should be used and how they may provide different results. This book focuses on multiple testing methods
Cryptography plays a key role in ensuring the privacy and integrity of data and the security of computer networks. Introduction to Modern Cryptography provides a rigorous yet accessible treatment of m
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne scholars Trevor (statistics) and Michael (business management) review a wide range of topics relating to multidimensional scaling, which covers a variety of statistic