This work gives a detailed overview of issues related to providing access and identity management in the library, especially in relation to protected library e-resources, and gives tips on choosing ac
With ever greater provision of resources in electronic formats, formal recognition is increasingly being given to the growing awareness within the information profession that it is a moral duty as wel
This edition takes full account of significant developments since 2004. The advanced technologies and systems of a decade ago are falling into disuse; the floppy disk has all but vanished, and the CD-
The term "Library 2.0" has been recently coined to deal with the interface between Web 2.0 technologies and the library sciences. Godwin and Parker, both members of the SCONUL Working Group on Informa
Particularly focused on the preservation and preparation of original documents, this practical guide is intended for collection managers whose primary responsibility is the preservation of archival ma
The Web is now an integral part of students' lives in school and in society, and they need to be ever more web alert in order to gain the most from their education. What teachers and teacher librarian
This book brings together a wide range of diverse perspectives on digital andinformation literacy that provide a comprehensive blend of theory and practicefor library and in