This Game Master's Kit is the key accessory for your Modern AGE campaign.It features a three-panel hardback screen that puts critical game information infront of you, and hides the adversaries and sur
The Fantasy AGE Game Master's Kit is a key accessory for your AdventureGame Engine campaign. It features a three-panel hardback screen with all theessential game info you need at the table. It also in
Hero High was one of the most popular and sought after books in the history of Mutants & Masterminds—and now it’s returned for the game’s Third Edition! The book examines the genre of teen heroes (and
A decade ago Blue Rose shook up the RPG scene with its vision of romantic fantasy and inclusive gaming. Now the world of Aldea returns in a new edition using the Adventure Game Engine (AGE), the popul
Every hero needs an origin story and this can be yours! Written with newgamers in mind, the Basic Hero's Handbook streamlines and clarifies theflexible, robust third edition rules of Mutants & Masterm
The Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook is your entry point to tabletop roleplaying. Now you can be the hero in your own sword and sorcery adventures! This is the game played on Wil Wheaton’s new tabletop RPG
Six of Swords is an adventure anthology for Blue Rose: The AGE RPG of Romantic Fantasy. Set in the fantastic world of Aldea, these six adventures provide Narrators with ready to go scenarios for chara
The most comprehensive pantheon in roleplaying games is back in a new edition for 5E. This massive tomes provides more than 20 pick-up-and-play churches, whose organization and beliefs are described i
Faces of Thedas lets you bring a host of compelling characters from theDragon Age video games and beyond to your game table. From fan-favoritecompanions like Alistair and Dorian to deadly antagonists
Go back to the city that started it all! Return to Freeport is a newadventure set in and around Chris Pramas's classic City of Adventure that mixesfantasy, pirates, and Lovecraftian horror with nonsto
Modern AGE is a roleplaying game that lets you have exciting adventures inany era from the Industrial Revolution to the near future. The game can handleeverything from two-fisted action to urban fanta
The World of Lazarus is the first campaign setting for Green Ronin's newModern AGE RPG. Based on the critically acclaimed Lazarus series by Greg Ruckaand Michael Lark and presented by Image Comics, th
Welcome to Aldis: City of the Blue Rose! This beautiful, full colorsourcebook lavishly details the capital city of the central nation in the BlueRose RPG, providing players and Narrators alike the too
When two envoys from the Sovereign's Finest disappear on a criticalmission, an unlikely band of allies, led by Soot, a rhy-crow with dark andsecret power, are brought together to combat a hidden threa
The Expanse Roleplaying Game brings James S.A. Corey's award-winning seriesof science fiction novels to the tabletop. Using the Adventure Game Engine (AGE)rules that power Green Ronin's Fantasy AGE, B
Shut up! You am Ork! Enter the bone-cracking World of Orkdom with Ork: TheRoleplaying Game. This new edition is the standalone, streamlined roleplayinggame of orkish mayhem: a "beer and pretzels" game
The Game Master's Kit is a key accessory for your Dragon Age RPG campaign.It features a three-panel hardback screen that puts all the essential game inforight in front you, and features a brand new 36