This guide to home freezing follows an A to Z format. The reader may look up the fruit, vegetable, fish, meat, sauces, cakes or herbs, for guidelines on freezing each type. There is also advice on cho
Focuses on the classic cookery of the British Isles. Ranging from traditional breakfasts, to high teas, from roasts to hearty soups, this title presents a collection of over 400 recipes. It covers sou
Contains a long essay on French cuisine and offers background stories and sketches of recipes. This book starts with a short essay on each of the major culinary regions of France. It consists of chapt
Covers various aspects of flour-milling, yeast, bread ovens and the different types of bread and flour. This book features a collection of recipes, ranging from plain brown wholemeal or saffron cake t
Features a collection of recipes from the Middle East. This title contains dishes from the plains of Georgia, from Afganistan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Persia and Armenia. It includes recipes fo
The Pathfinders were the corps d'elite of Bomber Command, the command that led the fight against Germany even before the fall of France. Pathfinder crews consisted of members who had flown a minimum
Every day for nine months from September 1944 to the end of the war, young British, Commonwealth and Norwegian airmen flew from Banff aerodrome in northern Scotland in their Mosquitoes and Beaufighter
Des Curtis was one of the founder members of 618 Squadron. Formed within days of the illustrious 617, 618’s primary objective was to mount a daylight low-level attack by Mosquitos on the German battl
Ted Stocker lived a charmed life. Trained at RAF Halton as one of Trenchard’s ‘Brats’, a posting to Boscombe Down saw him fly in both the prototype Stirling and Halifax just as war engulfed Europe fo
This was the five-year war that made America a nation. This title documents the path to war by British caricatures of politicians and generals, for the most part favourable to the Colonists. It also p
LESLIE ILLINGWORTH was one of the most distinguished British political cartoonists of the 20th century and remains for many 'the cartoonists' cartoonist'. Yet though his career spanned more than 50 y
Formed in July 1942, the Pathfinder force was the corps d’élite of Bomber Command, tasked with marking targets and leading bomber formations to the right place at the right time. And the best of the f
'If ever any one man won the Battle of Britain, he did. I don't believe it is realized how much that one man, with his leadership, his calm judgment and his skill, did to save not only this country, b
Famed for charcuterie since Roman times, France has a long tradition of turning the pig into a range of delicious food products. Jane Grigson introduces the techniques used to transform the humble pig
Over the past fifteen years Edward Bishop has written the obituaries of countless men and women who have figured in the story of civil and military aviation - numbers of whom he has known personally a
During the summer months of 1944, a daily onslaught by V-1 jet-propelled flying bombs, heading for London and southern England, was countered in the skies of Kent and Sussex. To the pilots, British
The day after D-Day, the most momentous day of the Second World War, Frank Holland was an RAF pilot whose Typhoon aircraft had just been hit by German anti-aircraft fire during a low flying attack on
David Ince, World War II veteran and recipient of the Royal Air Force's Distinguished Flying Cross, draws on his experience as a ground attack pilot with a Typhoon squadron in the 1940's in this first