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Edited by Dr Sarah Ng 吳秀華博士 (1)
Edited by Joyce Hei-ting Wong; Ian Findlay-Brown, Anthony Yung (1)
Edited by Phoebe Wong and Christopher Mattison 黃小燕、馬德松 編 (1)
Katharine Carl (1)
Mark Hampton (1)
R. D. Hill (1)
Ray Yep (1)

Hong Kong University Press (6)
City University of Hong Kong Press (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Never End 明天會再來: The Art and Life of Gaylord Chan 陳餘生藝術展
作者:Edited by Joyce Hei-ting Wong; Ian Findlay-Brown; Anthony Yung  出版社:Hong Kong University Press  出版日:2024/07/19 裝訂:平裝
Widely respected and beloved as one of Hong Kong’s most original painters, Gaylord Chan (1925-2020) had a dynamic career that traversed cultural epochs and the boundaries of media. He made his first serious foray into painting only at the age of 42 after enrolling in an extra-mural studies art course organised by the University of Hong Kong in 1968. Chan’s late start, however, did not at all limit his potential. While he worked as an engineer for Cable & Wireless by day, Chan continued to experiment and refine his creative practice. The artist eventually developed a unique abstract language of bold colours and rustic forms that reflects on the simple wonders of daily life, science and metaphysics, and the contemporary human condition. Referencing an evocative painting by Chan from the 1990s, Never End: The Art and Life of Gaylord Chan, presented by Asia Society Hong Kong Center, is a tribute to the late master and his invaluable artistic legacy. It explores the development of Chan’s
定價:1260 元, 優惠價:95 1197
Man in a Hurry: Murray MacLehose and Colonial Autonomy in Hong Kong
作者:Ray Yep  出版社:Hong Kong University Press  出版日:2024/08/30 裝訂:精裝
In Man in a Hurry: Murray MacLehose and Colonial Autonomy in Hong Kong, Ray Yep explores the latest available archival materials and re-examines MacLehose’s pivotal governorship in Hong Kong (1971–1982). MacLehose arrived in the challenging 1970s, when there were expectations for social reforms, uneasiness in the relationship between Hong Kong and London, and the 1997 factor looming large. The governor successfully carried out various social reforms and he also handled various major issues, including the anti-corruption campaign, the Vietnamese refugee crisis, and the granting of land lease of the New Territories beyond 1997. Yep unveils the tension and bargaining between the British government and explains how interest of the colony could asserted, defended, and negotiated. This book is an important study of Hong Kong’s ‘golden years’ when the city’s economy took off. It is a significant contribution to our understanding of how local autonomy was defined.
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:95 1263
Hong Kong and British Culture, 1945-97
作者:Mark Hampton  出版社:Hong Kong University Press  出版日:2024/08/09 裝訂:平裝
This book examines the British cultural engagement with Hong Kong in the second half of the twentieth century. It shows how the territory fit unusually within Britain’s decolonisation narratives and served as an occasional foil for examining Britain’s own culture during a period of perceived stagnation and decline. Drawing on a wide range of archival and published primary sources, Hong Kong and British Culture, 1945–97 investigates such themes as Hong Kong as a site of unrestrained capitalism, modernisation, and good government, as well as an arena of male social and sexual opportunity. It also examines the ways in which Hong Kong Chinese embraced British culture, and the competing predictions that British observers made concerning the colony’s return to Chinese sovereignty. An epilogue considers the enduring legacy of British colonialism.
定價:900 元, 優惠價:95 855
Abstract Evolutions 象外經心: Sixty Years of Paintings by Fong Chung-Ray 馮鍾睿 60 年繪畫
作者:Edited by Dr Sarah Ng 吳秀華博士  出版社:Hong Kong University Press  出版日:2024/08/30 裝訂:精裝
The significance of Fong Chung-Ray’s artistic oeuvre lies in his contribution both to the global art scene and the representation of Chinese artistic traditions in late twentieth- and early twenty-first-century California. As an ambassador for art, he has played a crucial role in fostering cultural exchange between China and the West, and his artworks have introduced richly diverse artistic traditions, techniques and themes to international audiences, promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture.This anniversary publication presents a careful selection of Fong’s work tracing his artistic career and stylistic development over the last 60 years. It is a testament to the master’s contribution to late-twentieth-century Chinese painting in a global context.藝術家馮鍾睿的創作夙負盛名。二十世紀晚期至二十一世紀初,馮氏以中國傳統為基礎的作品於美國加州藝壇獨樹一幟,其畫風及作畫方式多元豐碩,展現出他對融合中西藝術的永恆追求。馮氏以自身創作於海外積極傳播中華文化,在推動跨文化交流方面扮演了重要的角色,幫助國際社會更深入地理解和欣賞中國藝術。是次富有紀念意義的出版物包括橫跨馮鍾睿整個創作生涯的多幅作品,回顧他過去六十年的藝術成就和風格發展,對這位大師在二十世紀晚期中國畫壇所作出的貢獻予
定價:1350 元, 優惠價:95 1282
Land-Use Change - Proceedings of the Asahikawa-Sapporo International Symposium
作者:R. D. Hill  出版社:Hong Kong University Press  出版日:1989/10/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:935 元, 優惠價:95 888
Sketching Hong Kong — The Drawings of Eddie Chau 慢寫香港—鄒源榮
作者:Edited by Phoebe Wong and Christopher Mattison 黃小燕; 馬德松 編  出版社:Hong Kong University Press  出版日:2024/06/06 裝訂:精裝
Sketching Hong Kong is a panoramic record of Hong Kong by the Indonesian-Chinese painter Eddie Chau (1945-2020). A testament to geographical history, each painting is a passage in Hong Kong’s story, each stroke a moment in time. It also serves as a retrospective of Chau’s art from his early years in Bandung, his coming-of-age in Guangdong and his final decades in Hong Kong.《慢寫香港》 是畫家鄒源榮的作品集,收錄了他筆下香港地脈全景圖和不同時期的素描速寫。鄒源榮(1945-2020)是印尼華僑後代,1992年由內地移居香港,從業餘作畫到成為全職畫家,一直創作不懈。香港自從上世紀七十年代開始移山填海打造一個國際大都會,地脈及天際線就不斷移動,鄒源榮的畫作可以說是香港地理史的補遺,每一幅都抒寫着這小城的故事。守護香港的方法有很多,「記錄下來」肯定是其中之一,且彌足珍貴。Eddie Chau (1945–2020) was a Chinese painter born in Bandung, Indonesia. When the anti-Chinese riots broke out in 1965, many overseas Chinese returned home. Eventually settling in Hong Kong in 1992, Eddie became known for his panoramic watercolour landscapes of Hong Kong.
定價:1130 元, 優惠價:95 1074
With the Empress Dowager
作者:Katharine Carl  出版社:City University of Hong Kong Press  出版日:2023/06/30 裝訂:平裝
定價:1816 元, 優惠價:95 1725



