Covering all four critical care board exams (anesthesiology, surgery, internal medicine, and neurology), Critical Care Medicine Review: 1000 Questions and Answers prepares you for exam success as well
Now in a fully revised and updated Second Edition, Practical Neurology Visual Review previously known as (Practical Neurology DVD Review) continues to be a powerful educational tool for mastering th
Support your clinical decision making and prepare for everyday challenges in the primary care setting with Pocket Primary Care, a brand new, pocket-sized loose-leaf resource that offers the most curre
This pocket handbook uses an outline format to describes medical and surgical critical care in 42 chapters. Specialists primarily from Massachusetts General Hospital cover general principles like moni
Pathologists and other medical specialists from the US and Canada provide 28 chapters on the pathologic anatomy of childhood disorders. Chapters are organized by general system pathology, including te
.Fischer’s Mastery of Surgery, seventh edition, is monumental in scope and continues to be a must-have medical textbook and atlas for students and faculty alike. This edition showcases the views of nu
Established for over 40 years, as the "bible" of the medical ward, The Washington ManualR of Medical Therapeutics is now in its Thirty-Third Edition and builds upon that proud tradition—with even mo