In Russia's cultural memory, the Caucasus is a potent point of reference, to which many emotions, images, and stereotypes are attached. The book gives a new reading of the development of Russia's perc
Multilingualism and multiculturalism are notoriously elusive concepts resting on partly controversial grounds. All too often, diversity is defined by "othering" certain groups, emphasizing their diffe
Access to housing and to housing finance remains a challenge in African cities. This study examines the housing finance strategies of informal settlement dwellers in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and ident
Biotopes and Bioethics are highly complex and adaptable systems of Bios. Individual bios is terminal, but the stream of Bios goes on. Basic properties of Bios such as communication and cooperation, co
The question about the role of religion as a factor of overcoming violence and of fostering intercultural dialogue is among the key challenges of the postmodern world. The contributions in the book sp
The materials in Values of American Society remain the principal resource for understanding Parsons' conception of value systems. His treatment of value systems has been much debated, although poorly
In tourism, strangers meet face to face. What do Tanzanian Maasai and Western tourists think when they meet? Using a combination of methods that has never been tried before, either in anthropology in
For anyone interested in finding out about Bulgarian cultural policy and unfamiliar with the processes in the country, the entire period from 1995 to 2012 remains utterly inaccessible. The relationshi
The book reconstructs Saint Paul's thought in selected philosophical concepts - those of Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Martin Buber, Sigmund Freud, Martin Heidegger, Sren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietz