Respected among scientists and spiritual leaders alike for his pioneering work combining scientific and spiritual thought, Fred Alan Wolf (aka Dr. Quantum) is, as Deepak Chopra states, "one of the mos
In 1963, Jane Roberts met a spiritual entity named Seth. He spoke through her and the lessons he taught proved timeless and crucial. Roberts went on to write much about her channeling experiences with
While providing many accounts of near-death experiences (NDEs) from men, women, and children of all ages and backgrounds, Lessons from the Light is much more than just an inspiring collection of NDEs.
Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self is the account of an extraordinarily talented lucid dreamer who goes beyond the boundaries of both psychology and religion. In the process, he stumbles upon t
What's unique about being human? We experience feelings. Once again bridging the gap between spirituality and quantum physics, Fred Alan Wolf takes us on an exciting journey toward understanding where
In 1963, Jane Roberts met a spiritual entity named Seth. He spoke through her and the lessons he taught proved timeless and crucial. From 1968 to 1975, Roberts held an ESP class, during which she chan
What would we find if, over a period of time, we paid careful attention to the coincidences in our lives? What would clusters of coincidental events reveal? Susan M. Watkins examines, from the inside
While a vice president in the computer industry, Lynda Dahl learned the metaphysical power of consciously directed thought and used it to create a million dollars. Since then, she has used conscious c
Why do we believe in the soul? Does it actually exist? If so, what is it? Does it differ from the self? Is it part of the material world? Does it survive the body after death? In The Spiritual Univers
Alchemists of the old attempted to make sense of the universeto discover the connection between mind and matter. Some of today's scientists, in particular quantum physicists, are doing the same. In hi
Poet, novelist, author of the Seth Material, Jane Roberts's books have sold over 7.5 million copies. She was one of the most important psychics of the twentieth century. Now, Speaking of Jane Roberts