This outstanding handbook will be a boon to librarians and others charged with the task of securing, reviewing, and signing the contracts connected to licensing agreements and other electronic service
Bartel, a library director at a high school, and Holley, a youth librarian, cull about 1,100 titles from the Young Adult Library Service Association-BK electronic discussion list from 2005 to 2010 to
Whether for self-representation, to be an informed consumer of legal services, or to learn the U.S. legal system, more people than ever are using the library to obtain legal information and legal rese
Rubin, an independent library consultant and the author of numerous books on librarianship, provides a guide for library staff to handling situations with an upset patron. She discusses anger as a pro
In this book/CD-ROM resource, Wilson (Maricopa County Library District) presents 100 customizable pathfinders for helping library users find the information they need. Topics most often asked about in
This book is designed for library school students, beginning cataloguers, and any information professionals who find they have to be cataloguers and have forgotten how.
"This top-to-bottom resource is the ideal guidebook to keep at your side. Demystifying core technologies and workflows, its chapters walk you step-by-step through needs assessment and planning for a d
Gerding (Arizona State Library) and her co-author explain the commitments and decisions a library must make before seeking granted funds, offer guidance on selecting grant team members, and walk throu
The authors apply interpersonal communication theory to professional encounters in libraries, discussing the principles of theories of Aristotle, John Locke, Juergen Ruesch and Gregory Bateson, Paul W
This plain-language guide to managing school library programs begins with an overview of management principles, theories, and roles, then covers guidelines and standards and looks at the school as