Fiction. "In her debut novel, FROZEN VOICES, Lynne Heinzmann has performed magic beyond even the skills of Harry Houdini, one of her most delightful characters. Heinzmann pulls off an astonishing feat
Fiction. Short Stories. "Vincent Reusch is a magician, and the stories in THE MERCURIAL SCIENCE OF THE HUMAN HEART are like so many rabbits pulled from a hat. At once gorgeously written and enormously
Fiction. Short Stories. Bruce Pratt's THE TRASH DETAIL collects a series of short stories that feature unique characters, each on a quest to discover their place in the greater world: a concerned wife
Fiction. "Each of these stories is a gem. Susan Daniels manages to pull the rug out from under even the smallest of gestures and the interactions of couples, families, and strangers, revealing over an
Literary Nonfiction. "There are many ways I might describe Jehanne Dubrow's riveting new project, THROUGHSMOKE: 'a capacious lyric essay that distills many voices into one' (true!), or 'a stirring med
Literary Nonfiction. "The strings of a violin have to be held in place on both ends, and the two poles of Elizabeth Mosier's book are memory (as archaeology) and forgetting (in the very moving passage
Fiction. "Baron Wormser has done something important with TOM O' VIETNAM in the way that he has identified and precisely embraced a stunningly particular historical moment we casually refer to as 'Vie
Fiction. "Writing in heightened, magical prose reminiscent of Marquez and Toni Morrison, Margaret Benbow has produced the liveliest collection of tales you're likely to read this year, or in any year.
Poetry. Jewish Studies. Women's Studies. "DEEP CALLS TO DEEP introduces Jane Medved, a poet fully formed. One poem imagines Herod at the women's shelter. In another set at the Western Wall where praye
Poetry. Music. 100 poems by 100 poets inspired by the life and works of Bob Dylan. Contributors include Robert Bly, Charles Bukowski, Johnny Cash, Diane di Prima, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg
“Tim Nolan’s voice is funny and serious at once, sly and direct, wry and heartfelt...Anybody who can turn a poem called ‘Brussels Sprouts’ into a psalm to the strange and compelling beauties of family
Lucy Pescitelli is a virgin pushing thirty, working part-time at a funeral home and still living with her mother Marge. A woman so domineering that she forces Lucy to help her commit suicide by follo