Sophie Katz has just offered a man $12,000 for his services Is she desperate or just meshugeneh? Considering the kind of disasters that usually befall the half-black, half-Jewish mystery write
Sophie Katz's relationship with the irresistible and occasionally insufferable P.I. Anatoly Darinsky is on the fritz when a friend recruits Sophie's investigation skills to decode her possibly two-ti
It seemed exciting at first, but after two and a half years in New York, Tracey has to admit her life well, sucks. Sure, she makes a decent living as a copywriter, but Blaire Barnett Advertising
Remember Tracey Spadolini from Wendy Markham's hit "SLIGHTLY SINGLE? Well, she's back and looking and feeling fabulous. Only, this time she isn't slightly single, she is slightly settled--don't worry,
- Sarah Mlynowski is the international bestselling author of Milkrun, Fishbowl and As Seen On TV, all of which have had an NSR over 60%.- Monkey Business takes a look into the lives of four business s
When her boss proposes to Dianne, his longtime girlfriend whom she despises, Tracey is upset that Dianne will be walking down the aisle before her, and, plagued by worry and self-doubt, wonders if Jac
Men come and go, but magic is forever right?Wrong. After a few months of letting witchcraft slide, Jane Madison discovers that not using her powers has her rapidly losing them. Meanwhile, her wa
Gabby Wolf has pretty much, almost definitely (this close!) come to a decision: She's trading in Phoenix (nice but uneventful life with boyfriend) for Manhattan (dream job as producer for highly succ