Fiction. Noir Fiction. Punk Rock. Working Class. Urban Studies. In this powerful collection of linked stories, debut author Brian Jabas Smith gazes into the lives of the stunted and the lost. There's
Poetry. Late 2016, immediately after the U.S. Presidential election, Ken Waldman wrote TRUMP SONNETS: VOLUME 1, subtitled THE FIRST 50 DAYS. Veteran poet and critic, Grace Cavalieri, wrote: "Good thin
Poetry. Like the first collection, Waldman opens with a preview poem, and then he starts in with a list, one titled "Trump, By the Book" with the opening lines: "Challenges what a common thesaurus can
Literary Nonfiction. Art. PURGED: THE ART OF METAMORPHOSIS chronicles artist Nancy J. Rodwan's multi-year project of taking unwanted items cast off by friends, loved ones, and acquaintances, and trans