Sharing experiences of 15 inmates and their battle for care, the author uncovers the truth about capital punishment and what goes on in our prison system. As an experienced physician, Paul Singh, MD,
The Seduction of Religion offers an illuminating and provocative guide to the religions of the world, focusing on the irrationality of religious beliefs. The point of this book is not to preach atheis
When Paul Singh left India to flee a land filled with corruption, he chose America to make his home, a country he admired for its freedom and justice. Decades after his arrival, his idealistic vision
Sharing experiences of 15 inmates and their battle for care, the author uncovers the truth about capital punishment and what goes on in our prison system. As an experienced physician, Paul Singh, MD,
The Great Illusion takes a scientific look at the brain itself, presenting research that supports the naturalistic stance that the mind is identical to the brain. Singh argues that if we take seriousl