This exciting study is essential reading for students and scholars of theater. It challenges the premise of most critical interpretations of the comedia, which are based on the notion of the original
In the imaginative world of creative writing, the prose fiction that is here presented by a talented and perceptive author/physician, Elias Hasbun, M.D., expands and complements the extensive corpus o
Sentencing records (relaciones) of auto-de-fe trials served to alert citizens to the crimes committed against the Church and state by individuals who might otherwise have remained accidental to histor
The first part of the book identifies and analyzes the distinctive way in which the picaresque genre deals with the cognitive value assigned to lived social experience. Mateo Aleman's "Guzman de Alfa
We are pleased to announce our new Catalan series within the Scripta Humanistica collection with this prestigious volume, L'Humanisme a la Corona d'Arago. The meaning and even the existence of a huma
The insightful analysis of the play demonstrates how certain characters were portrayed by the same actors, thereby intensifying the dramatic pressure that eventually leads to such a violent end. The
This study delves into the syntagmatic composition of the medieval epic the Cantar de Mio Cid. The detailed structural analysis of the Cantar de Mio Cid reveals that it consists of nineteen tales an