This new edition has been completely revised to reflect the notable innovations in mining engineering and the remarkable developments in the science of rock mechanics and the practice of rock angineer
This book, now in its second edition, provides a comprehensive overview of current re-irradiation strategies, with detailed discussion of re-irradiation methods, technical aspects, the role of combine
?This book is the result of a joint venture between Professor Akio Kawauchi, Osaka City University, well-known for his research in knot theory, and the Osaka study group of mathematics education, foun
Sika deer, the graceful spotted deer of Japanese and Chinese art, originally were native to Asia from far-east Russia to Vietnam to the islands of Japan and Taiwan. They are widely raised in captivity
The present book analyses critically the tripartite mimicry model (consisting of the mimic, model and receiver species) and develops semiotic tools for comparative analysis. It is proposed that mimicr
This book summarizes the current status of theoretical and experimental progress in 2 dimensional graphene-like monolayers and few-layers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). Semiconducting monolayer TMDCs, due to the presence of a direct gap, significantly extend the potential of low-dimensional nanomaterials for applications in nanoelectronics and nano-optoelectronics as well as flexible nano-electronics with unprecedented possibilities to control the gap by external stimuli. Strong quantum confinement results in extremely high exciton binding energies which forms an interesting platform for both fundamental studies and device applications. Breaking of spatial inversion symmetry in monolayers results in strong spin-valley coupling potentially leading to their use in valleytronics.Starting with the basic chemistry of transition metals, the reader is introduced to the rich field of transition metal dichalcogenides. After a chapter on three dimensional crystals and a descri
Soundscape Ecology represents a new branch of ecology and it is the result of the integration of different disciplines like Landscape ecology, Bioacoustics, Acoustic ecology, Biosemiotics, etc. The so
Sudoku Programming with C teaches you how to write computer programs to solve and generate Sudoku puzzles. This is a practical book that will provide you with everything you need to write your own boo
Pro Spring Boot is your authoritative hands-on practical guide for increasing your Spring Framework-based enterprise Java and cloud application productivity while decreasing development time using the
This authoritative and comprehensive title is designed to enhance best clinical practices for all healthcare providers who care for military service personnel and veterans. The book is organized into
One of the most notable features of nanometer scale CMOS technology is the increasing magnitude of variability of the key device parameters affecting performance of integrated circuits. The growth of variability can be attributed to multiple factors, including the difficulty of manufacturing control, the emergence of new systematic variation-generating mechanisms, and most importantly, the increase in atomic-scale randomness, where device operation must be described as a stochastic process. In addition to wide-sense stationary stochastic device variability and temperature variation, existence of non-stationary stochastic electrical noise associated with fundamental processes in integrated-circuit devices represents an elementary limit on the performance of electronic circuits.In an attempt to address these issues, Stochastic Process Variation in Deep-Submicron CMOS: Circuits and Algorithms offers unique combination of mathematical treatment of random process variation, electrical noise
The goal of these notes is to provide a fast introduction to symplectic geometry for graduate students with some knowledge of differential geometry, de Rham theory and classical Lie groups.This text a
Plant protoplasts have proved to be an excellent tool for in vitro manipulation, somatic hybridization, DNA uptake and genetic trans- formation, and for the induction of somac1onal variation. These studies reflect the far-reaching impact of protoplast research in agriculture and forest biotechnology. Taking these aspects into consideration, the series of books on Plant Protoplasts and Genetic Engineering provides a survey of the literature, focusing on recent information and the state of the art in protoplast manipulation and genetic transformation.This book, Plant Protoplasts and Genetic Engineering VII, like the previous six volumes published in 1989, 1993, 1994, and 1995, is unique in its approach. It comprises 27 chapters dealing with the regeneration of plants from protoplasts, and genetic transformation in various species of Agrostis, Allium, Anthriscus, Asparagus, Avena, Boehmeria, Carthamus, Coffea, Funaria, Geranium, Ginkgo, Gladiolus, Helianthus, Hordeum, Lilium, Lithospermum
You Must be Very Intelligent is the author’s account of studying for a PhD in a modern, successful university. Part-memoir and part-exposé, this book is highly entertaining and unusually revealing about the dubious morality and desperate behaviour which underpins competition in twenty-first century academia.This witty, warts-and-all account of Bodewits´ years as a PhD student in the august University of Edinburgh is full of success and failure, passion and pathos, insight, farce and warm-hearted disillusionment. She describes a world of collaboration and backstabbing; nefarious financing and wasted genius; cosmopolitan dreamers and discoveries that might just change the world… Is this a smart people’s world or a drip can of weird species? Modern academia is certainly darker and stranger than one might suspect…This book will put a wry, knowing smile on the faces of former researchers. And it is a cautionary parable for innocents who still believe that lofty academia is erected upon mora
Historically, scientific and educational books from studies within California, the concepts can be classified into three categories: those developed will be generally useful to enolo providing co
Linear Algebra and Linear Models comprises a concise and rigorous introduction to linear algebra required for statistics followed by the basic aspects of the theory of linear estimation and hypothesis
‘A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Integration’ was once a best-selling Birkhauser title which published 3 editions. This manuscript is a substantial revision of the material. Chapter one now in
This introduction can be used, at the beginning graduate level, for a one-semester course on probability theory or for self-direction without benefit of a formal course; the measure theory needed is d
In this book geography educators from around the globe discuss their research into the power of geographical thinking and consider successful strategies to implement, improve and advance geography edu