In 2013, Megan Boyle was unhappy with the life she was living and wanted to document it on the internet for an audience. Her hope was that if she documented each thought and action on the internet, th
A collection of stories that focus on love, lost love, death, the absurdity of the human condition, relationships, and beauty. There is also a story about insects that is more human than most D.H. Law
From the visionary author of Light Boxes, a mind-bending office comedy, and a touching modern love story set against the backdrop of an ever-increasingly disorienting America.Being home all the time i
THE GREAT AMERICAN SUCTION is a dark, surreal, deadpan-comic novel about a reformed glue huffer who copes with the emerging mysteries of his life—a backwoods conspiracy against him, a woman impersonat
Floating Notes is a novella of mystery, murder, intrigue, and love. In the space of a hundred pages, Lakghomi wroughts a unique narrator, a god in a rented room, where things appear and disappear from
Welfare is wholly made up of four-line paragraphs and has a cadence that is uniquely its own. A high school student leaves his parents’ home to live on his own with friends and with the help of govern
Darcie Wilder's literally show me a healthy person is a careful confession soaking in saltwater, a size B control top jet black pantyhose dragged over a skinned knee and slipped into unlaced doc marte
Both coming of age story and cautionary tale. In her mother's absence, Jean is torn between the adult world and her surreal fantasies of escape as she and Fender build a fort to survey the rumors of t
?To borrow Rakim's words, this book is 'a sack of dynamite, powerful and bright.' It's a grimly exciting report of the street-level world, a lyric highway story that pops with real American voices and
?McClanahan's prose is miasmic, dizzying, repetitive. A rushing river of words that reflects the chaos and humanity of the place from which he hails. He writes in an elliptical fever dream so contagio