This Norton Critical Edition of a Dickens favorite reprints the 1846 text, the last edition of the novel substantially revised by Dickens and the one that most clearly reflects his authorial intention
As income and populations have increased, that growth has caused pressures on the environment and natural resources that would have been unimaginable a century ago. And during the same period of time,
A cause for international celebration-the most important Sherlock Holmes publication in four decades. This monumental edition promises to be the most important new contribution to Sherlock Holme
An authorized text, cultural contexts, extracts from the major sources, essays in criticism, bibliography. The present text, with few departures, follows that of the first quarto (1598) edition.
Joseph Conrad's classic novel about a man's lifelong efforts to atone for an act of instinctive cowardice set the style for a whole class of literature.
'To be loved to madness - such was her great desire' Eustacia Vye criss-crosses the wild Egdon Heath, eager to experience life to the full in her quest for 'music, poetry, passion, war'. She marries
En route to America with a cargo of African slaves, the crew of the Liverpool Merchant, enraged at the captain's impotence in the face of disease, carry out a mutiny that pits two cousins against each
The editor has made necessary typographical corrections and carefullyintroduced and annotated the text for the student reader.Dickens’ number plans for David Copperfield, which reveal his practiceboth
The accompanying apparatus has been revised in accordance with recent biographical and critical materials. The Backgrounds and Criticism sections provide important essays that shed light on major crit
"Backgrounds, Sources, and Contemporary Reactions" reprints all of the documents on industrialism, education, and utilitarianism that appeared in the Second Edition, save one, and introduces new piece
The translation that "rides boldly through the reefs of scholarship" (The Observer) is combined with first-rate annotation. No reading knowledge of Old English is assumed. Heaney’s clear and insightfu
Presents the 1813 first edition text of Pride and Prejudice , accompanied by an interesting selection of background material including biographical portraits by Austin's family members and biographer
Popular in their own time, the 27 plays included here—by Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, John Webster, Thomas Middleton, among many others—reveal why these playwrights’ achievements, like Shakespeare
Extensive historical annotations have been added to thetext of this Norton Critical Edition.The process of composition is followed through Howells' initialsketches and letters. Analysis of the contemp
While most of the selections fall under the heading of religious poetry, the important secular verse of Marvell and Crashaw is included. Eighty poems by Herbert have been selected from The Temple, and
As Moll Flanders struggles for survival amid the harsh social realities of seventeenth-century England, there is but one snare she is determined to avoid - the deadly snare of poverty. On the twisting
First published in 1895, America's greatest novel of the Civil War was written before 21-year-old Stephen Crane had "smelled even the powder of a sham battle." But this powerful psychological study of
'I saw the pale student of unhallowed arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show sign
This Norton Critical Edition presents the first scrupulously edited text of the novel, collating all manuscript, typescript, and variant printed versions in Ford s lifetime. Everything necessary for c
The editor supplies explanatoryannotations and textual notes."Historical Backgrounds" is an especially rich collection ofseventeenth-and eighteenth-century documents about colonizers andslaves in the