Impact evaluation has grown more popular as a method for identifying the causal links between interventions and outcomes. These kind of evaluations assess changes that can be attributed to a particula
'Armed conflict within a state weakens its social fabric and divides the population by undermining interpersonal and communal group trust, destroying the norms and values that underlie cooperation and
India's landmark Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (2009) guarantees education to all children aged 6-14 years. The Act mandates specific student-teacher ratios and emphasizes tea
The withdrawal of most international troops by 2014 will have a profound and lasting impact on the country's economic and development fabric. This book explores some of these ramifications. Developmen
'Early Childhood Counts: A Programming Guide on Early Childhood Care for Development' is a comprehensive manual concentrating on early childhood development which can be used separately or in conjunct
Light Manufacturing in Tanzania argues that for Tanzania to remain one of the fastest growing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa, it has to make progress in the structural transformation that can lift wo
Based on a wide array of quantitative and qualitative techniques, Light Manufacturing in Vietnam identifies key constraints on manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam and evaluates differences in firm pe
This volume will explore the potentially transformative role of effective laws and legal institutions in providing people with more opportunity that is both inclusive and equitable. Laws, legal framew
Many developing countries have introduced policies to tackle ill-gotten money over the past years. Perception remains that such moves were more a result of international pressure being exercised than
The New Microfinance Handbook takes a market systems approach to financial inclusion, oriented by client needs. Framing the book with the client as the central element recognizes the emerging awarenes
Millions of migrants worldwide send billions of dollars in remittances each year to their families or communities of origin. In many developing countries, remittances are an important source of family
In many low and middle income countries, dismal failures in the quality of public service delivery such as absenteeism among teachers and doctors and leakages of public funds have driven the agenda fo
Economists have long sought to predict how macroeconomic shocks willaffect individual welfare. Macroeconomic data and forecasts are easilyavailable when crises strike. But policy action requires not o
The World Development Indicators CD-ROM contains time series data for more than 200 economies from 1960-2010, single-year observations, and spreadsheets on many topics. It contains more than 1,000 cou
This book consists of a collection of papers that analyze the constraints on fiscal systems imposed by problems of institutions, administrations, and incentives in developing and post-Socialist econom
Expansion and development of urban areas require acquisition of land, which, in turn, often requires physical relocation of people who own or occupy this land. Land acquisition and resettlement may a
Since the late 1990s access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) has seen tremendousgrowth-driven primarily by the wireless technologies and liberalization of telecommunications market