In 1872, Ismail Pasha, the khedive of Egypt, was the first to adopt the European custom of positioning heroic statues on public display as a symbolic message of the continuing authority of the ruling
This book photographically documents the graffiti of the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip. Unsurprisingly, much of the graffiti is political, for example offering congratulations to this or tha
Following the death in 1216 BCE of the Egyptian Coptic patriarch Yuhanna ibn Abi Ghalib, a priest by the name of Daud ibn Yuhanna ibn Laqlaq petitioned the Muslim Ayyubid state authorities to be appoi
In Riyadh, against the events of the second Gulf War and Saddams invasion of Kuwait, we learn the story of Munirawith the gorgeous eyesand the unspeakable tragedy she suffers as her male nemesis wreak
Hani was out for an evening stroll near Cairo’s Tahrir Square when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder. An informant had identified him, and he was thrown into the back of a police truck. There began
The royal mummies in the Cairo Museum are an important source of information about the lives of the ancient Egyptians. The remains of these pharaohs and queens can inform us about their age at death a
In this important and timely publication, top international scholars present current research and developments about the art, archaeology, and history of the ancient city of Palmyra, a UNESCO World He
This book explores the long-term trends in the development of what was the first complex civilization in history, the Old Kingdom of Egypt (c. 2650–2200 BC), the period that saw the construction of et