David Gushee argues convincingly that there is in U.S. politics an "evangelical center" of voters who do not identify with the politics and religion of either the right or the left. Although evangeli
Sex, seduction, and the perfect marriage. Though it may not have been the intent of Genesis 1-3, the biblical first couple has been used for generations to sell consumable goods and strange ideologies
No other special force in history has a mystique equal to that of ancient Rome's thoroughbred protection and counter-insurgency squadron--the renowned Praetorian Guard. Originally conceived as a perso
The recovery of 800 documents in the eleven caves on the northwest shores of the Dead Sea is one of the most sensational archeological discoveries in the Holy Land to date. These three volumes, the ve
God spoke, and all that is and all that ever will be came into existence. God alone can be called uncreated and Creator, and creation can only accomplish that which already exists within God’s imagina