"a book for all practitioners and all members of the greater community. Giroux demands reader involvement, transformation, and empowerment. He helps us understand that the political relationship betw
Simon offers a fresh vision of the notion of pedagogy grounded in an ethical and political stance devoted to the advancement of human dignity. He considers the basis on which teachers form their own
Unruly classrooms, a general lack of discipline and study habits, truancy, and rampant cheating on exams--all of these are recognizable as symptoms of a decaying education system. Schoolland, who tau
As women increasingly seek more humanistic birthing methods than the hospital-based delivery, certified midwife Susanna Napierala suggests that water birth offers mother and infant the ideal circumsta
This collection of readings provides the reader with a basic introduction to the topic and concepts of cultural diversity as it has come to characterize the culture of the United States.
"Contributes to a radical formulation of pedagogy through its revitalization of language, utopianism, and revolutionary message. . . . The book enlarges our vision with each reading, until the meanin
A former prisoner of the Gestapo, Kulka leads us through the horror of the Nazi death camps, describing such unbearable conditions as the over-crowded ghettos where Jewish minorities were left to sta
Two world renowned educators, Paulo Freire and Ira Shor, speak passionately about the role of education in various cultural and political arenas. They demonstrate the effectiveness of dialogue in act
This work analyzes the current state of the adult student experience in higher education, exploring the organizational, instructional, and interpersonal barriers that adults face in reaching their ed
Foster parents need wisdom to guide foster children to enable them to have a meaningful experience. This book, written by a pediatrician, with the help of foster parents, provides guidance and suggest
Focuses on the use of the methods and theories of anthropology to solve the practical problems of human communities. It addresses a wide range of problem-solving practices in both development action a