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2017年以前 (33)

平裝 (20)
精裝 (13)

A. T. Ahuja (2)
Jason Payne-James (2)
Nigel Kirkham (2)
Adrian Harnett (1)
Adrian N. Harnett (1)
Ahmed Mujtaba Siddiqui (1)
Anthony S-Y. Leong (1)
C. Andrew van Hasselt (1)
Christopher J. Pallister (1)
Colin J. Holburn (1)
David Green (1)
G. R. Park (1)
Gilbert R. Park (1)
Ira Thabrew (1)
J. F. Cade (1)
J. N. Cashman (1)
J. S. A. Green (1)
John O'Grady (1)
John Urquhart (1)
Mark N. Gaze (1)

Greenwich Medical Media (33)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Handbook of Community Cancer Care
作者:Mark N. Gaze  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2003/04/01 裝訂:平裝
An authoritative handbook covering the management of all types of cancer, with an emphasis on those aspects of care of the cancer patient which are of particular interest in the community, for example the presentation of cancer and palliative care. The specialist management of different types of cancer is also covered, with particular regard being paid to the requirements of shared care in the community and the supportive care needed for the treatment of side effects and complications.
定價:2469 元, 優惠價:9 2222
Nurse Prescribing:Principles and Practice
作者:Molly Courtenay  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:1999/04/01 裝訂:平裝
This book was written in response to legislation enabling nurses to prescribe and thus expand their role within the NHS. It is divided into 9 chapters examining in detail each of the groups of products described in the Nurse Prescribing Formulary (NPF). The authors have adopted a standardised chapter format throughout, beginning with a sound understanding of the basic pharmacology of each preparation, and building on this to incorporate relevant anatomical and physiological information, an examination of the modes of action of the drugs covered, as well as their doses, common side effects, and contraindications. Important issues related to patient assessment, evaluation and education are also highlighted. There is also an important opening chapter on the legal and professional aspects of nurse prescribing.
定價:2599 元, 優惠價:9 2339
Adult Limb Fractures
作者:Ahmed Mujtaba Siddiqui  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2001/10/01 裝訂:平裝
The identification and proper classification of fractures is vital in determining the subsequent treatment and long term management of the patient. It is also an area of constant debate as to which system is the most comprehensive, systematic and easy to remember. This pocketbook uses specially generated line diagrams throughout to illustrate all of the major classification schemes currently used to identify fractures of the extremities. It is an essential quick reference for the trainee orthopaedic surgeon, both in the hospital environment and as a revision aid for the orthopaedic component of the MRCS examination, but it will also prove valuable to all personnel in the casualty environment, who need to be able to interpret and understand the different types of fracture and how different injuries affect patient management and subsequent clinical decision-making.
定價:2079 元, 優惠價:9 1871
作者:A. T. Ahuja  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2003/06/01 裝訂:精裝
This concise integrated handbook looks at all available imaging methods for head and neck cancer, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each method. The information is provided in a clinical context and will guide radiologists as to the information the clinician actually needs when managing a patient with head and neck cancer. It will also provide the clinician with the advantages and limitations of imaging. The text therefore deals with Ultrasound, CT and MRI. The initial chapters aim to give the reader a core knowledge, which can be used in imaging by the various methods described. The subsequent chapters are directed towards clinical problems and deal with the common cancers in a logical order.
作者:J. F. Cade  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2002/02/01 裝訂:精裝
Even the most experienced clinician cannot be expected to remember all the relevant details of so many and varied uncommon problems of the seriously ill. Some of these problems can be overlooked in even a major Intensive Care textbook, most can be found eventually in specialist textbooks but the impact on intensive care management might well still be disregarded. This book offers a unique approach. Uncommon problems relevant to intensive care have been gathered into a single volume, in which they have been described in sufficient detail to avert much of the need to refer to specialized texts. Moreover, their implications for intensive care management have been highlighted. The book is intended to provide an easy and practical reference, alphabetically arranged, for the clinician at any level faced with such problems at the patient's bedside.
QNotes for the MRCP:VOLUME,Part 1
作者:Raymond McCrudden  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2002/04/01 裝訂:平裝
QNotes for the MRCP Part 1 works alongside the Royal College of Physicians published Part 1 MCQ papers from 1996 and 1997 (and more specifically the QBase CD-ROM that accompanied them) to provide the reader with explanatory note to each of the questions, which were not provided with the original CD-ROM or book. Whilst the notes are not approved in any way by the College, they are provided by a team of authors with recent experience of the MRCP MCQ examination and with considerable experience of teaching trainees themselves (Dr McCrudden also wrote QBase Medicine 2), and as such will provide an excellent basis for learning. All of the explanatory notes are comprehensive, and indexed to easily sourced texts to enable the reader to dig deeper into the topic if required. The CD installs the notes to the user's hard disk and when they then return to using the Royal College's MRCP QBase CD-ROM, the notes appear, linked seamlessly to each question in the usual way, and as if they were part of
定價:3712 元, 優惠價:9 3341
Key Facts in Clinical Nutrition
作者:Jason Payne-James  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2003/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Key Facts in Clinical Nutrition provides, in a concise, fact-filled and pocket-sized format, all of the key information required by the general physician and nutrition specialist alike and covers everything from nutrition support and assessment, through nutritional and energy requirements, micronutrients, dietary supplements, enteral and parenteral nutrition and the role of the nutrition support team. A glossary of key terms is also provided, and useful appendices cover reference values for haematological, urine and faecal analysis, weight and height conversion charts, anthropometric measurements and key nutritional values.
定價:1559 元, 優惠價:9 1403
Anaesthetic Aide Memoire
作者:John Urquhart  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2004/04/01 裝訂:平裝
This new and fully updated edition of Anaesthetic Aide-Memoire provides a compilation of key lists, numerical data, physiological and pharmacological formulae, procedural algorithms, important information on illnesses pertaining to anaesthesia, data on equipment, clinical measurement, and intensive care management that will serve as a valuable quick reference for senior anaesthetists in training and for consultants in anaesthesia. It is the ideal first reference source to consult when a fact, statistic, or formula eludes the memory, and as such will also prove to be a useful aid to teaching. It will also be useful for candidates for the FRCA examination who will already understand the basic physiology and pharmacology underpinning anaesthesia but who need reminding occasionally in a clear, concise, didactic way.
定價:2924 元, 優惠價:9 2632
作者:Stuart M. White  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2004/12/09 裝訂:平裝
Clinical decisions in modern medical practice are increasingly influenced by ethical and legal issues, but few doctors have been formally trained in medical law and ethics, and are unsure of potential sources of accessible information, which leaves them exposed to public criticism and the threat of legal action. Perioperative medicine and critical care are, by their very nature, subjects in which issues of autonomy, dignity, consent, confidentiality, medical research, life and death decision making, and the rationing of health care resources are ever-present. This book provides a straightforward but comprehensive one-stop reference and should be essential reading for all medical and allied health care professionals who encounter ethicolegal problems during their management of patients.
作者:Reuben Johnson  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2004/09/09 裝訂:平裝
This book is designed specifically for candidates preparing for the MRCS Viva examination. The format of the exam has been used in the book's structure, with over 1000 questions to illustrate the key points of over 200 topics. The book has been divided into 6 main chapters corresponding to a viva 'station' in the exam. Each chapter begins with a check-list of the main topics and themes covered by the exam, and information is then subdivided logically within the chapter itself. Key 'pass-or-fail' concepts are covered, and in some cases, topics are covered in more detail than will be asked in the exam, so the candidate can be confident that they will be fully prepared.
作者:A. T. Ahuja  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2004/06/24 裝訂:精裝
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a devastating disease and although the virus would appear to have been contained, it is clear that the impact it has had around the world, and could have again in the future, is immense. Hong Kong has been significantly impacted in the recent SARS outbreak, and clinicians and researchers alike have gained a lot of experience in dealing with the disease at short notice. This new book aims to be a state-of-the art update on SARS, with particular reference to imaging, which plays a crucial role in the diagnosis, management and follow-up of patients with the disease (it is widely accepted that SARS patients cannot be managed without imaging and it is included in the WHO's own list of diagnostic criteria for the disease). The book will also provide a perspective on the treatment and experience of the disease outside Hong Kong.
作者:John O'Grady  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:1999/01/11 裝訂:精裝
The need for specialist knowledge of the laws governing the regulation of medicines has become apparent. This is the case among not only lawyers but also hospitals, researchers, prescribers and many others involved in the provision of healthcare. Such a need has been precipitated by a number of factors, including the changing structure of healthcare in the UK and Europe and the various changes in regulation that have arisen both from challenges in the courts and from the intervention of public bodies. However, the information available to those involved in the complex interrelations between medicines, medical devices and the law have remained scarce. This book aims to address this situation by bringing together the knowledge of the laws governing the regulation of medicines ranging across the field from the ethics of the use of medicines in treatment and research, through to drug-induced injury, civil liability and no-fault compensation schemes.
Biochemistry for Clinical Medicine
作者:Ira Thabrew  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2001/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Developments in biochemistry have contributed immensely to the rate at which medical knowledge has expended in recent years. Following the GMC recommendations regarding undergraduate medical education, Biochemistry for Clinical Medicine integrates, in a single volume, all aspects of biochemistry required by a medical student, with a special focus on information specific to medicine as opposed to laboratory-based biochemistry. The first section of the book provides an understanding of basic cell biology and the critical concepts of membrane transport, cellular energetics, information storage, transmission and expression, as well as describing the essential chemistry and metabolism of cellular biomolecules and the clinical conditions that arise from disturbances in their metabolism. The second section adopts a systems-based approach to present clinical biochemistry in an easily readable and concise manner, using tables and clear diagrams to summarise important facts, as well as
定價:2209 元, 優惠價:9 1988
作者:Peter P. Anthony  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:1998/09/01 裝訂:精裝
In the light of increased awareness of the legal as well as clinical implications of misdiagnosis of pathological specimens, this book provides the trainee and practising histo- and cytopathologist with a comprehensive review of the potential pitfalls encountered in a number of key diagnostic areas (cervical screening, breast cancer screening, pigmented lesions of the skin, lymphoproliferative disease, disease of the gastrointestinal tract and disease of the genito-urinary system). Each chapter has been written by a recognised expert in the organ or organ system concerned and, with the aid of full colour histo- and cytopathological specimens throughout, outlines the most important diagnostic and differential diagnostic features and indicates not only where confident diagnosis can sometimes prove problematic, but also how best to avoid these potential pitfalls in the first instance.
作者:Jason Payne-James  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2001/07/01 裝訂:精裝
Any healthcare professional with, or developing an interest in, clinical nutrition will be able to use this textbook as their sole source of information for the formation of a clinical nutrition support service of excellence. The first three parts of the book will enable a clear perspective of the metabolism and physiology of clinical nutrition to be related to the practical application of support techniques. The fourth part of the book highlights the role of nutrition support in specific disease groups. A number of additional chapters have been added, and modifications made to the content of chapters from the first edition to cover newer areas or areas of omission.
作者:C. Andrew van Hasselt  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:1999/06/01 裝訂:精裝
This is the second and fully revised edition of the first comprehensive work on nasopharyngeal carcinoma. It provides readily available access to the experience accumulated in an endemic region covering many aspects of this disease. In compiling this book, the editors have delivered an up-to-date and comprehensive reference of interest to all who interact with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, whether it be in a clinical, laboratory or research setting. This multi-author, multidisciplinary book covers all aspects of NPC, from anatomy, histopathology, epidemiology, experimental studies, clinical manifestations, clinical and laboratory diagnostic methods to the latest imaging techniques. It also contains all of the information necessary for the clinician to correctly stage NPC and to treat the tumour efficiently. In addition, it offers guidance on screening family members in order to better control very early tumours or even precancerous conditions. Most of the authors are from the Chinese Unive
作者:Nigel Kirkham  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2001/07/01 裝訂:平裝
This fifth volume in an established series builds upon the success of previous volumes and presents a series of cutting-edge reports on the latest advances in pathology. The editors have brought together a team of expert contributors from around the world to present concise reviews of some of the most exciting recent developments in pathology practice and to point to possible future developments and applications of key techniques. Fully illustrated throughout, in colour where appropriate, this book is essential reading for all trainee and practising pathologists across the full spectrum of pathological sub-specialties.
作者:Adrian Harnett  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2001/10/01 裝訂:精裝
Featuring 37 detailed case studies, with comprehensive explanatory text and full colour illustrations, this book provides any healthcare professional involved in breast cancer with clear guidelines and helpful pointers on the aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of this important and widespread condition. All cases are based on real case encountered by the author, and provide the reader with realistic scenarios against which to judge their own their own treatment decisions and upon which to base teaching sessions.
Handbook of Patient Transportation
作者:Terry Martin  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2001/11/01 裝訂:平裝
Over the past three decades, there has been growing concern over the management of victims of trauma and of medical emergencies, not least in the standard of prehospital care which they receive. In the 21st century, there is an increasing requirement to transfer patients, by road and by air, to and from specialist centres of excellence or within hospitals from department to department as modern medicine dictates that the patient requires intra-hospital movement to an imaging scanner, to the operating theatre, and then perhaps to intensive care. This book is a practically based text in which the reader will find easy-to-digest details on clinical management and on the logistics of different transport modes as well as facts about the physics and physiology of patient movement. It is intended as a basic reference for those who seek to work in transportation medicine, primarily doctors, but it will prove of great relevance and interest to nurses, paramedics and those who administer
定價:2999 元, 優惠價:9 2699
作者:David Green  出版社:Greenwich Medical Media  出版日:2003/06/01 裝訂:平裝
This new title provides a concise, one-stop reference for anaesthetic trainees, surgical trainees and medical undergraduates, on the key topics in modern perioperative patient management, including detailed coverage of the essential physiological and pharmacological principles underlying basic perioperative skills. Essential topics such as antibiotics, fluid balance, DVT prophylaxis, pain management, drug pharmacology and respiratory failure, to name but a few, are all covered in detail, and in each case their effect on perioperative management is emphasised.
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