Hoover (education, U. of Colorado, Boulder) and Patton (special education adjunct, U. of Texas, Austin) describe adapting curricula to the needs of students with mild to moderate learning and behavior
Hoover (University of Colorado) and Patton (University of Texas) describe the 12 study skills students need to learn content in school, take notes, write reports, pass tests, and manage time effective
Luterman (emeritus, Emerson College) presents this title with the intention of not supplanting the clinical use of mental health professions but rather to lead to a modified use of professional counse
Designed for undergraduate and graduate students, Simpson (special education, U. of Kansas) and Mundschenk's (educational psychology and special education, Southern Illinois U.) updated text examines
The 13 chapters of Szymanski (Minnesota State U. Moorhead) and Parker's (U. of Texas, Austin) third-edition text are designed to foster an understanding of the complex interaction of work and disabili