This new edition of The World Is Flat is Thomas L. Friedman s account of the great changes taking place in our time, as lightning-swift advances in technology and communications put people all over th
The beginning of the twenty-first century will be remembered, Friedman argues, not for military conflicts or political events, but for a whole new age of globalisation – a 'flattening' of the world. T
小時候我常聽爸媽說:「兒子啊,乖乖把飯吃完,因為中國跟印度的小孩沒飯吃。」現在我則說:女兒啊,乖乖把書唸完,因為中國跟印度的小孩正等著搶你的飯碗。」 「世界是平的」這樣的描述,其實是中古歐洲基督教文化的世界觀,但被本書作者拿來形容一個沒有障礙、是被剷平的競爭環境。繼前一本The Lexus and the Olive Tree (凌志汽車和橄欖樹)之後,全美國公認最有影響力的新聞工作者Tho