身歷其境探索超過15個改變我們生活的科學概念和應用!我們是如何看到世界上這麼多顏色的?測謊儀如何顯示人們在說謊?向太空發射真的是火箭科學嗎?手扶梯是怎麼巧妙的運送每個人?從日常駭客攻擊到抓捕罪犯的技術,讓我們在家就能體驗超酷的科學工作與原理,並以前所未有的方式了解事情的運作方式!Adventures with How Things Work is an immersive exploration of more than 15 scientific concepts and applications that make a difference to our lives. How do we see the world in so many colours? How does the polygraph show that you are telling a lie? Is blasting off to space really rocket science? Skydive with parachuters. Be transported by the cleverness of the escalator. And experience some cool science at work in your very own home. From everyday hacks to the technology that catches criminals, understand how things work as never before!
身歷其境探索超過15個改變我們生活的科學概念和應用!我們是如何看到世界上這麼多顏色的?測謊儀如何顯示人們在說謊?向太空發射真的是火箭科學嗎?手扶梯是怎麼巧妙的運送每個人?從日常駭客攻擊到抓捕罪犯的技術,讓我們在家就能體驗超酷的科學工作與原理,並以前所未有的方式了解事情的運作方式!Adventures with How Things Work is an immersive exploration of more than 15 scientific concepts and applications that make a difference to our lives. How do we see the world in so many colours? How does the polygraph show that you are telling a lie? Is blasting off to space really rocket science? Skydive with parachuters. Be transported by the cleverness of the escalator. And experience some cool science at work in your very own home. From everyday hacks to the technology that catches criminals, understand how things work as never before!
《World of Science 科學世界》透過全彩的生動漫畫,激發孩子對科學主題的興趣。本套書涵蓋多元的科學主題,並符合亞太地區的劍橋小學課程大綱。 書中結合擴增實境(AR)增強學習的互動與體驗,書中生動的3D立體人物對話、動物叫聲、植物型態,加上遊戲及小測驗,讓家長與孩子一同享受邊遊戲邊學習的樂趣。本系列特點:˙生動的全彩漫畫將吸引所有小讀者,同時也包括那些原本對科學不感興趣的小朋友。˙涵蓋了多元主題,提供獨特兼具教育與娛樂的綜合性科學教材。˙本系列漫畫與科學雜誌不同,不根據各冊主題更改書中架構及視覺設計,其一致性的整體風格與內容架構,多年來深受市場肯定,並使讀者更能深入認識主題與有效地學習。˙擴增實境(VR)的加入增強書中的互動性和體驗元素,透過動畫、3D人物、遊戲化和測驗,讓這系列套書在市場上獨樹一幟,其教育價值吸引家長,並深受喜歡邊學習邊娛樂的孩子們的歡迎。*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。 第二輯,共5冊:1. 了解事物運作的歷險記2. 偉大思想歷險記3. 與爬行動物和兩棲動物歷險記4. 與陸地動物的歷險記5. 自然奇觀歷險記The World of Science series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics enriched by Augmented Reality. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds. In this set of five books, the titles are:Adventures with How Things WorkAdventures
《World of Science 科學世界》透過全彩的生動漫畫,激發孩子對科學主題的興趣。本套書涵蓋多元的科學主題,並符合亞太地區的劍橋小學課程大綱。 書中結合擴增實境(AR)增強學習的互動與體驗,書中生動的3D立體人物對話、動物叫聲、植物型態,加上遊戲及小測驗,讓家長與孩子一同享受邊遊戲邊學習的樂趣。本系列特點:˙生動的全彩漫畫將吸引所有小讀者,同時也包括那些原本對科學不感興趣的小朋友。˙涵蓋了多元主題,提供獨特兼具教育與娛樂的綜合性科學教材。˙本系列漫畫與科學雜誌不同,不根據各冊主題更改書中架構及視覺設計,其一致性的整體風格與內容架構,多年來深受市場肯定,並使讀者更能深入認識主題與有效地學習。˙擴增實境(VR)的加入增強書中的互動性和體驗元素,透過動畫、3D人物、遊戲化和測驗,讓這系列套書在市場上獨樹一幟,其教育價值吸引家長,並深受喜歡邊學習邊娛樂的孩子們的歡迎。*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。 第二輯,共5冊:1. 了解事物運作的歷險記2. 偉大思想歷險記3. 與爬行動物和兩棲動物歷險記4. 與陸地動物的歷險記5. 自然奇觀歷險記The World of Science series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics enriched by Augmented Reality. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds. In this set of five books, the titles are:Adventures with How Things WorkAdventures