An incredible true story in graphic novel form that lays bare the tortured and triumphant history of Taiwan, an island claimed and fought over by many countries, through the life story of a man who lived through its most turbulent times. ★ "An exemplary tribute to an extraordinary hero. The stupendous achievements here are many: a synergistic literary success; a historic record of twentieth-century Taiwan; the remarkable account of a boy's life; and a triumph of translation." --Booklist (starred) Part One: Taiwan, 1930s. Tsai Kun-lin, an ordinary boy born in Qingshui, recounts a carefree childhood despite the Japanese occupation: growing up happily with the company of nursery rhymes and picture books on Qingshui Street. As war emerges Tsai's memories shift to military parades, air raids, and watching others face conscription into the army. It seems no one can escape. After the war, the book-loving teenager tries hard to learn Mandarin and believes he is finally stepping towards a comfo
作者奧利佛.傑法 Oliver Jeffers 奧利佛.傑法出生於澳洲,在北愛爾蘭長大,現在與家人定居紐約。除了圖畫書,他也同時跨入藝術創作和商業活動。他的圖畫書作品暢銷全球,翻譯成超過30種語言,曾獲得美國紐約時報最佳兒童繪本、英國紅屋童書獎、愛爾蘭年度最佳童書等多項大獎肯定,受歡迎的作品有《書之子》、《蠟筆大罷工》、《Here We Are:歡迎來到這個美麗的地球》、《創造我們未來》等。 譯者劉清彥資深兒童文學工作者與電視兒童節目主持人。學的是新聞卻熱愛兒童文學,每天專心翻譯和創作童書,也經常到國內外為許多喜愛圖畫書的大人演講或上課。講了三十多年故事,譯寫了數百本書,得過好書大家讀和開卷年度好書獎、豐子愷圖畫書獎和三座金鐘獎。游佩芸 台大外文系畢業後到日本留學,日本御茶水女子大學人文科學博士。目前任教於台東大學兒童文學研究所,致力於兒童文學、兒童文化的研究與教學,並從事兒童文學相關的策展、出版企畫、創作、翻譯與評論。著有《來自清水的孩子》、《大家來談宮崎駿》、企劃採訪撰稿《曹俊彥的私房畫》、詩文攝影《我聽見日出的聲音》等,也翻譯過近百本童書。