“I’ve found very little about private detective R. F. Jackaby to be standard in the time I’ve known him. Working as his assistant tends to call for a somewhat flexible relationship with reality . . .”
#1 New York Times bestseller John Grisham's next Theo Boone novel, now in paperback!When we last saw Theo Boone, he ensured that justice was served by uncovering evidence that kept a guilty man off of
認知症者具有人性尊嚴,是權利主體,享有權利及得以行使權利,此權利包括但不限於自主權(right to autonomy)、平等權及不受歧視權(right to equality and non-discrimination)、不受虐待權(right to no abuse)及近用司法權(right to access to justice)等。認知症者之權利主體性應受尊重,其權利享有及權利行使應受保障與支援,推動認知症者之人生(life)、醫療照護(healthcare)及財務(finances)等面向(domain)的全面預為準備、超前部署(advance planning, planning ahead),實踐全面超前部署計畫(advance total planning, ATP),就認知症者而言,更是必要且重要。持續推動構建認知症友善社區(dementia friendly communities, DFCs)、深化共生社會(inclusive society),是尊重認知症者之權利主體性及保障與支援其權利享有及權利行使,所不可或缺。