In the five years since its publication, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies has become a true cultural phenomenon, amassing a legion of fans and spawning an entire “mash-up” genre. As our story opens, a
At the opening of the international bestseller "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies", Elizabeth Bennet is already a seasoned warrior-trained in the martial arts, skeptical of romance, and determined to wi
最夯的混搭熱潮席捲全球 最有影響力的百萬暢銷書活潑好鬥的伊麗莎白 vs. 高傲自負的達西先生等等!噬人啃骨的殭屍也來湊熱鬧啊!充滿了浪漫愛情、心碎橋段、刀光劍影、吸腦食肉和數千具腐臭的屍體……沒看過《傲慢與偏見與殭屍》,你就落伍了!這是個人盡皆知的真理:享受過許多腦子的活屍,必定會想要更多的腦。《傲慢與偏見與殭屍》就這樣起頭;這是眾人鍾愛的珍‧奧斯汀小說增訂版,添加了噬人啃骨殭屍肆虐的