Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. The Ice Age films are popular with
The 1st Ice Age movie introduced the world to 3 sub-zero heroes, Manny the mammoth, Sid the sloth and Diego the sabre-tooth tiger - the strangest herd its prehistoric inhabitants had ever seen - along
和喜愛的電影角色一同體驗冰原時代精采的冒險!ICE AGE AR app永久免費下載利用智慧型手機和平板,喚醒你最喜歡的冰原英雄,重返精采的冰原世界! 從鼠奎特和心愛的橡子,到蠻尼龐大的哺乳類家族,冰原歷險記笑星撞地球互動電影書,讓你全面了解你最喜歡的角色!【本書特色】下載本書專屬的app,和冰原英雄們互動! ● 操控飛碟!幫助鼠奎特飛向太空!● 擺好姿勢!和冰原英雄一起拍照!● 操縱冰原英雄!在