Nearly twenty years ago, Robin Hobb burst upon the fantasy scene with the first of her acclaimed Farseer novels, Assassin’s Apprentice, which introduced the characters of FitzChivalry Farseer and his
Robin Hobb returns to her best loved characters in a brand new series. Tom Badgerlock has been living peaceably in the manor house at Withywoods with his beloved wife Molly these many years, the estat
'Fantasy as it ought to be written' George R.R. Martin Robin Hobb returns to her best loved characters in a brand new series. Tom Badgerlock has been living peaceably in the manor house at Withywoods
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERNearly twenty years ago, Robin Hobb burst upon the fantasy scene with the first of her acclaimed Farseer novels,Assassin’s Apprentice, which introduced the characters of FitzC
喬治‧馬汀盛讚:「羅蘋‧荷布的書是海洋中的鑽石。」 讓讀者最心痛、最動容的奇幻小說!紐約時報暢銷作家羅蘋‧荷布,繼「刺客正傳」「刺客後傳」之後再創「刺客系列」。一心甘於平凡的皇室私生子蜚滋駿騎,多年不見的摯友弄臣一句「為我殺人」,帶來了他人生中最黑暗的一段時光……《Fantasy Book Review》讚歎:「蜚滋駿騎是當今奇幻小說中塑造得最好的角色。」在世人眼中,蜚滋駿騎‧瞻遠已死,現在,他是
喬治‧馬汀盛讚:「羅蘋‧荷布的書是海洋中的鑽石。」 讓讀者最心痛、最動容的奇幻小說!紐約時報暢銷作家羅蘋‧荷布,繼「刺客正傳」「刺客後傳」之後再創「刺客系列」。一心甘於平凡的皇室私生子蜚滋駿騎,多年不見的摯友弄臣一句「為我殺人」,帶來了他人生中最黑暗的一段時光……《Fantasy Book Review》讚歎:「蜚滋駿騎是當今奇幻小說中塑造得最好的角色。」在世人眼中,蜚滋駿騎‧瞻遠已死,現在,他是