With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Tim Middleton, Head of English Studies, University of Ripon and York. In seeking to discover his inner self, the brilliant Dr Jekyll discovers a monster. First pub
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics′All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil.′After taking an elixir created in his laboratory, mild mannered Dr Jekyll is transformed into the cruel and despicable Mr Hyde. Although seemingly harmless at first, things soon descend into chaos and Jekyll quickly realises there is only one way to stop Hyde. Stevenson′s quintessential novella of the Victorian era epitomizes the conflict between psychology, science and religious morality, but is fundamentally a triumphant study of the duality of human nature.
Dr. Henry Jekyll is well-liked and admired by his friends, but seems increasingly troubled and withdrawn from their company. Meanwhile, a mysterious and repellent character, Mr. Hyde, commits crime af
【故事簡介】 《化身博士》可能是史帝文生最有名的代表作,而「傑寇與海德」(Jekyll and Hyde)一語則成為英語中一個十分常見的用法(比如說「他同時兼具傑寇與海德的人格」),並且廣為人知,即使沒讀過本書的人也知之甚詳。 本書的主題講的是人性當中的「人格分裂」,或說是「雙重性格」。其核心概念認為,我們每一個人都會同時呈現善與惡兩種面貌,並探討如果這些部分在人體化學構造上到最後分成兩種單獨的人格的話,那究竟會發生什麼樣的事。這個主題對史帝文生來說特別親切,他以此創作了一齣劇本和一則短篇故事。 這篇故事也談到了名譽的重要性,原本備受尊敬的傑寇博士之所以開始變身為邪惡的海德先生,就是因為他害怕自己的行為失當,想挽回自己的聲譽。至於他的朋友亞特森、藍彥和安費等,也會不計一切代價的避免流言蜚語上身。維多利亞時代中對儀表和外觀的重視,也反應出名譽的重要性,而表象又是如何頻頻掩蓋了齷齪和暴力的事實。 這篇故事的架構亦饒富趣味,除了由作者所訴說的敘述外,還有兩則由主人翁針對同樣事件所撰寫的描述。對於同一事件我們算是讀了三次,但各有觀點。這篇故事曾被譯為多種語言,而且也給無數電影、音樂劇、戲劇、故事、卡通影片和電玩遊戲等,帶來不少靈感。 ***** When respectable Dr Jekyll starts associating with the mysterious Mr Hyde, his friends become increasingly worried. Who is Hyde and why do all the people he meets dislike him? Stevenson’s classic tale of the human capacity for evil is retold with all the tension and gothic drama of the original. 【Helbling文學讀本(Helbling Readers)簡介】 ● Helbling Classics(經典英文文學改寫) ● Helbling Fiction(當代原創英文小說) 《Helbling文學讀本》為一套最優質的英文分級閱讀讀本,英語難易度由初級銜接到中級。在各項英語認證考試中,本系列書培養的英語能力級數如下: GEPT英檢
如果文明社會是一個人,他的名字是──教養「什麼是教養?」教養等於教育程度嗎?代表自律、自制、有禮貌、守規矩?它是人的氣質與風骨?是知識、行為態度、審美能力還是生活風格?也許「教養」的概念有些抽象,難以捉摸,不過可以肯定的是,許多人心中仍有一把尺,若聽到別人批評自己沒教養,任誰都會有汗顏羞愧、無地自容的反應!所以,「教養」到底有什麼重要性?德國柏林大學的創辦人威廉.馮.洪堡(Wilhelm von Humboldt,1767-1835),一位非常重視教養的學者、政治家、教育改革者,他便認為,教養值得每個人傾畢生之力追求,它是個人身上的重要資產,屬於精神內涵很高的境界。努力提升教養的結果便是個人品質的提升,個人品質的提升能讓整個社會優質化!在今天這個網路盛行、資訊爆炸、知識變革的數位時代,個人能做什麼努力成為有「教養」的現代人?本書作者史汪尼茲曾任德國漢堡大學教授,希望藉由此書彌補學校教育的不足,提供讀者在人生旅途中所必備、一只囊括豐富知識、能不斷提升教養的「旅行背包」。本書原文書名為「Bildung」,公認為「教養」概念最貼切的表達,意指「個人內在精神的塑造與充實完好,具有廣泛的知識、品味、正確的價值觀、是非善惡的判斷力,外在表現彬彬有禮,言行舉止得體,內心良善」。有別於討論教養的「概念」或進行哲學思辨的書籍,本書旨在針對教養的「內容」提供建議與見解:追求「教養」必須具備哪些知識,如何理解、表達這些生動活潑的知識,並直達事物的核心,轉換為個人的能力與教養。在相關篇章中,作者採用了大膽的構思,以激發讀者閱讀的興趣。若能體會其中無盡的美妙,將禁不住驚歎,啊!原來我們可以這樣重新「塑造」自己!全書結構如下:第一部分「知識」,包括歷史、偉大的文學作品、藝術史、音樂史,並介紹重要的哲學家、理論與派別、科學的世界觀與性別論述。第二部分「能力」,探討的是知識的應用規則。作者引領大家優遊語言與文字的世界、廣袤的書海,認識各國的風俗習慣、社交規則,還有「不應該知道的事情」,並對何謂「智慧」、「創造力」與「反思」進行一番討論。此外,書中也探討,是什麼決定了我們的自我認知,現代社會、國家、科學、民主的起源在哪裡?為什麼熟知唐吉訶德、哈姆雷特、浮士德、魯濱遜、化身博士這些人物形象是很重要的事情?海德格說過什麼其實我們早已知道的東西?在佛洛伊德之前,潛意識是怎麼一回事?到底
9781474924689 Oliver Twist 孤雛淚 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)9781474927857 Frankenstein 科學怪人 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)9781474947909 Jane Eyre 簡愛 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)9781474925495 The Jungle Book 森林王子 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)9781474958059 Great Expectations 遠大前程 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)9781474927840 A Midsummer Night's Dream 仲夏夜之夢 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)9781474947947 Macbeth 馬克白 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)9781474991179 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 化身博士 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)9781474926805 The Wizard of Oz 綠野仙蹤 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)9781474942430 Romeo and Juliet 羅密歐與茱麗葉 (Usborne English Readers Level 3)
Includes pictures an extra material section on Stevenson's life and worksOne of Stevenson’s most famous and enduringly popular works, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, describes the mysterious
When Gabriel Utterson, a lawyer, first encounters the figure of Edward Hyde, he has little notion of the man's background. Bringing Hyde to account for an attack on a girl, he discovers that Hyde is a
Since his first literary appearance in 1886, the murderous Mr Hyde has embodied the evil that even good men including his alter ego, Henry Jekyll - are capable of when the constraints of civilized lif
Why has the mild mannered Dr Jekyll suddenly begun to associate with the ugly and violent Mr Hyde? And why are they never seen together? When Jekyll's old friend Utterson tries to solve these mysterie
How thin is the line between good and evil? Dr Jekyll has been experimenting with his identity. He has developed a drug which separates the two sides of his nature and allows him occasionally to aband