Part of the best-selling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, this board book version of Stephen Hawking tells the inspiring story of the brilliant physicist and author.This board book version of Stephen
Learn more about the renowned British scientist, professor, and author who spent his entire career trying to answer the question: "Where did the universe come from?"Stephen Hawking was born exactly th
When Stephen Hawking was a little boy, he used to stare up at the stars and wonder about the universe. Although he was never top of the class, his curiosity took him to the best universities in Englan
New in the Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Stephen Hawking, the genius physicist and author.When Stephen Hawking was a little boy, he used to stare up at the stars and wonder ab
本書將是你最後一次能讀懂霍金的機會牛頓給了我們答案,霍金卻給了我們問題。而且霍金所提出的問題,仍將在往後數十年間,持續引領出重大的突破與進展……我們將可歸因於,我們是站在霍金肩膀上的緣故。――索恩(Kip S. Thorne),2017年諾貝爾物理獎得主霍金在這本全球矚目的遺作裡,提出了關於人類文明如何延續的十個大哉問,並且清晰說出自己的見解:大哉問之一:上帝存在嗎?大哉問之二:宇宙是怎麼開始的?
霍金逝世週年紀念天文學+物理學經典(復刻精裝版)五百年來,中文版第一次出齊霍金 主編、導讀霍金首度將五位科學巨人的經典名作完整收錄在這套《站在巨人肩上》,霍金還為他的前輩逐一精心撰寫了傳記文章,介紹他們的生平與著作,就像牛頓所說的:「如果說我看得比別人遠,那是因為我站在巨人的肩上」,一代傳一代。「如果說我看得比別人遠,那是因為我站在巨人的肩上。」牛頓( Isaac Newton,1642-1727