For decades, E.B. White's charming, bittersweet tales of friendship and adventure have enchanted audiences young and old alike. Now the magic of this beloved classic comes to life in a delightful and
A fully colorized paperback edition of E.B. White's classic novel about one small mouse on a very big adventure! Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York Ci
This favorite classic is now available in a larger, easy-to-read format. Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother
A hardcover edition of this treasured story, for which Garth Williams's original black-and-white line drawings for the jacket of Stuart Little have been colorized by the celebrated illustrator Rosemar
Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George and Snowball the cat. He's an adventurous and heroic little mouse. W
美國最棒的兒童文學作家E. B. White最精采的作品經典不敗,《一家之鼠》電影改編原著世界兒童文學高度好評的經典之作蕭司特,這隻小老鼠在世界上非常有名曾經躍上電影銀幕,變身為動畫主角如果你要開始閱讀經典,一定要從這一本書開始簡明易讀,常被列為語文教材。用字淺顯,勾勒出整片大地風情,感動無數讀者。塑造真英雄的是決心和勇氣,而不是體型的高矮身高不是問題,嘲諷有何關係,每個人都應該向蕭司特學習。《小
世界兒童文學高度好評經典之作,美國著名兒童文學作家E. B. 懷特最精采的三部作品透過活潑有趣的動物角色,創造與孩子對話的機會,帶領孩子尋找生命的意義,以及自我的價值。E. B. 懷特兒童經典三部曲不僅帶給孩子成長的正向力量,也讓他們懂得勇敢、關懷、包容以及愛的意涵。 E. B. 懷特兒童經典三部曲收錄了最膾炙人口的三本兒童文學名著:《小不點蕭司特》、《天鵝的喇叭》、《夏綠蒂的網》。作品曾獲全美文