The Bad Guys are back for the 9th installment of the New York Times bestselling series! When Mr. Wolf is blown up to Godzilla proportions, the Bad Guys find themselves in monster-sized trouble. They m
🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,一套陪小朋友成長的英文故事🌟故事書內包含我們想分享的價值觀,包含擁抱愛💕珍惜友誼🙂尊重多樣性以及愛護環境...並融合顏色、數字、形狀等幼兒等認知概念,讓親子共讀的時光也能快樂學習🙂另外每本書內也包含有聲書QR Code,我們的YouTube頻道也有中文字幕的故事動畫,透過聲音、畫面來更加深小朋友對故事的印象,讓小朋友能有沉浸式閱讀的體驗。🌟蓋比泰勒的冒險旅程,讓親子共讀時光也能快樂學習🌟💗一天一個無尾熊的擁抱,就能開始改變世界💗🌟來賽跑吧🏃無尾熊們參加了迪朵叢林的賽跑比賽~有時比起一開始跑很快,保持速度更重要唷!📍在這本書你可以學到:🌼快不一定比較好🌼學會聆聽好的建議😌🌼永不放棄Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! An Early Childhood Story SeriesOur stories teach and celebrate values that will shape our children’s future;love, friendship, diversity and caring for the environment.Toddlers will also learn new words and practice with colours and numbers.Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!Every book has an Audio QR Code link for English storytelling, music and SoundFX.An animated version of each story with Chinese subtitles is available on our Official YouTube Channel.A truly immersive storytelling experience!Cabbage & Tyler’s Amazing Adventures! Early Childhood Learning through Storytelling and Positive Play!We can make
Morgan le Fay will make Jack and Annie masters of the tree house if only they can solve four riddles -- which will take four books, of course! Dolphins at Daybreak begins the third set of four books i